1990, Shawn's garage, Pleasanton, CA
Perhaps one of the earliest photos of Your Mother? Check out that awesome drum set, and the ever-amazing Shawn hair.
Your Mother’s history as told through pictures
1990, Shawn's garage, Pleasanton, CA
Perhaps one of the earliest photos of Your Mother? Check out that awesome drum set, and the ever-amazing Shawn hair.
June 1991, Livermore High School, Livermore, CA
YM's 2nd show. Yes, Alan was a big dork even back then.
June 1991, Livermore High School, Livermore, CA
Your Mother's dazzling display of equipment has been with them since the beginning.
June 1991, Livermore High School, Livermore, CA
Mullets galore! Livermore was one of the mullet capitals of California in the early 90s, and Livermore High School's student population was eager to follow the trends.
1991, Round Table Pizza, Pleasanton, CA
Local Legend Scott Jones. This was supposed to be the cover of the “Sometimes Scott Jones is our Roadie” record, but we lost the picture.
1991, June 6, The Stone, San Francisco, CA
The Stone, like most of the rest of Broadway, is now a strip club.
1991, June 6, The Stone, San Francisco, CA
The first and one of the few times we actually played at a legitimate rock club! Fun fact: against all odds we somehow never paid a dime playing this club. In fact, we left it in worse shape than when we showed up.
1991, June 6, The Stone, San Francisco, CA
Shawn didn't just have a mullet, but he had a bowl cut at the same time! How weird is that? Notice the Your-Mother-Mobile in the background.
1991, June 6, The Stone, San Francisco, CA
The Stone spared no expense in making us look and sound ridiculous, with nutty light show and heavily reverb'ed vocals.
1991, June 6, The Stone, San Francisco, CA
Nice hat Jared.
1991, June 6, The Stone, San Francisco, CA
1991, June 6, The Stone, San Francisco, CA
We really packed the house that night! Notice Scott Jones in the bandana, Sean Hugunin with the long hair, and Paul Lew with his turquoise Primus shirt that he wore every day.
1991, June 6, The Stone, San Francisco, CA
Craig not yet at the point where he had perfected all his amazing rock star poses.
1991, June 6, The Stone, San Francisco, CA
Craig jump.
1991, June 6, The Stone, San Francisco, CA
Jared sans hat, at the Stone.
1991, June 6, The Stone, San Francisco, CA
Some of the bands scheduled at the Stone in the weeks following our show were: Tuff, Don Dokken, Mind Funk, Fungo Mungo and Roxanne.
1991, October 19, 924 Gilman St, Berkeley CA
First time playing Gilman and we already showed up with spray paint. Advise to new bands playing Gilman – never spray paint on the day of a show. You’ll turn away what few people were going to watch you.
1991, October 19, 924 Gilman St, Berkeley CA
Fun game: find Jared with his mohawk and Green Day shirt, my SAMIAM shirt with ANAL MUCUS sticker, RKL setlist on the wall behind us, Gilman’s high-powered circulation system, and Shawn’s 6th rack tom.
1992, Craig's garage.
After realizing this punk rock guise wasn't working, we took promo photos for our new “tough guy rock” image.
1992, Craig's garage.
The tough guy image didn't pan out, so we attempted to re-market ourselves as satanic pyromaniacs. That failed as well.
1992, Craig's garage.
This was YMM (yourmothermobile) #1, the 76 Volvo.
1992, Craig's garage.
These photos were taken right around the time that Shawn disappeared, but before Bradley joined the band. We played one show with this lineup (w/ Craig on drums).
The masked funkman
1992, Summertime
Shawn left for this show in a separate car but never showed up. In fact, he was not seen again for a few years and I kept his drum set until his brother picked up the following year. Not the only time we’d play as a three-piece because people didn’t show up. Note the Edie Brickell t-shirt, so hardcore.
1993, January 31, Your Place Too, Oakland, CA
First picture of Bradley, boy wonder, playing drums for us.
Your Place Too = 21+
Bradley = 15
1993, January 31, Your Place Too, Oakland, CA
Craig and Bradley.
1993, January 31, Your Place Too, Oakland, CA
Jared and Alan attempting those sweet harmonies Your Mother would be known for not being able to pull off.
1993, January 31, Your Place Too, Oakland, CA
One of the greatest crappy all ages dive bars around. I think this is where we met Anal Mucus.
1993, January 31, Your Place Too, Oakland, CA
God, we were ugly, weren't we?
1993, January 31, Your Place Too, Oakland, CA
Craig and his “Jolly Llama” guitar. Quite possibly the worst sounding, worst playing guitar in history. Maybe that's why he likes it so much.
1993, January 31, Your Place Too, Oakland, CA
Another stunning turnout for a Wednesday evening in the slums of Oakland. This was the “Pasture of Muppets” tape release show.
1993, January 31, Your Place Too, Oakland, CA
There's nothing funnier than a WHOLE bunch of hair. That was the best part of the grunge movement, if you ask me.
1993, April 2, 924 Gilman St, Berkeley, CA.
Probably the height of Alan and Craig's grunge phase. Check out the Drippy Drawers graffiti in the corner.
1993, April 2, 924 Gilman St, Berkeley, CA.
A more-than-typical turnout (5 people) for a YM show. Notice that Craig and Alan weren't the only people bit by the grunge bug that year .
1993, April 2, 924 Gilman St, Berkeley, CA.
It was not too hot to fly the flannel that day.
1993, April 8, Amador Valley High School, Pleasanton, CA
Alan is about to lay some serious thumb on his bass in this photo.
1993, April 8, Amador Valley High School, Pleasanton, CA
Pleasanton was slightly hipper than Livermore, but there were still many a mullet to be found at our high school performance.
1993, April 8, Amador Valley High School, Pleasanton, CA
Shh, don't tell anyone, but this was about the height of Craig and Alan's respective “grunge” fazes. It was too hot out to fly the flannel, but damn, check out that hair!
1993, April 8, Amador Valley High School, Pleasanton, CA
One of Livermore's least-known hip hop stars, Jammin J, joined us onstage for our Pleasanton show.
1993, April 8, Amador Valley High School, Pleasanton, CA
Jared, who quit the band to go on his Mormon mission.
1993, April 8, Amador Valley High School, Pleasanton, CA
Jared was kicked off his mission after 4 months, and is now happily married and living in Salt Lake City.
1993, April 17, Danville Vets Hall, Danville, CA.
While Brad seemed quite unhappy dressed up in a suit for this show, he later began to appreciate suits and started wearing them to work everyday.
1993, April 17, Danville Vets Hall, Danville, CA.
We were dressed up for two occasions. First, this was Jared's last show with the band before he left for his mission in Philadelphia.
1993, April 17, Danville Vets Hall, Danville, CA.
Second, Alan had to play tuba in his high school band's recital that night. Unfortunately, he arrived at the school too late.
1993, April 17, Danville Vets Hall, Danville, CA.
I'd never seen someone in a bowtie do hardcore jumps. Until now.
1993, April 17, Danville Vets Hall, Danville, CA.
Craig's Fender Mustang, which he bought because it was just like Kurt Cobain's guitar in the “Smells Like Teen Spirit” video.
“No, I didn’t!” – Craig
1993, April 17, Danville Vets Hall, Danville, CA.
High quality Wank-A-Thon banner
1993, April 17, Danville Vets Hall, Danville, CA.
Craig high jump
1993, April 20, St Mary’s College, Oakland, CA
There's something on that ceiling, I swear.
1993, April 20, St Mary’s College, Oakland, CA
Alan had just gotten off work, and was still wearing his gas station shirt. Check out that sexy hair and facial expression!
1993, April 22, The Stone, San Francisco, CA
Our 2nd, and final experience with the Nady empire (owners of the Stone, One Step Beyond and the Omni - 3 crappy glam rock clubs).
1993, April 22, The Stone, San Francisco, CA
Wow, that's some serious hair. This show was with the Mighty Mighty Bosstones, and the last time they came to SF there was a near riot. There was more of a full scale riot at this show, and the club closed down shortly afterwards .
1993, April 22, The Stone, San Francisco, CA
The show was on Earth Day, so we brought huge trash bags full of dirt and threw them all over the crowd. We started out throwing stickers, so when we brought out the bags everyone thought they were getting something awesome. They did.
1993, April 22, The Stone, San Francisco, CA
As soon as we were finished, the bouncers handed us brooms and said “You and your friends will clean this mess up NOW.”
1993, April 22, The Stone, San Francisco, CA
As if throwing bags of dirt weren’t bad enough, we also brought a trumpet than none of us knew how to play, especially Jared.
1993, April 22, The Stone, San Francisco, CA
1993, April 22, The Stone, San Francisco, CA
Jared jump.
1993, April 23, Paul Lew’s house, Pleasanton, CA
What a cute little picture of Bradley, with his cute little Sepultura shirt. Notice the Easy Rider album on the wall.
1993, April 23, Paul Lew’s house, Pleasanton, CA
Bass-less Alan has the microphone.
1993, August 16, Angel’s Camp, CA
Shortly before Mikey fell face-first into a fire.
1993, August 28, Oak Hill Park, Danville, CA
Typical Your Mother show audience attendance.
Alan. This could be from anywhere at any time, including 10 minutes ago, but guessing it is 1993.
1993, SOMA, San Francisco, CA
I did this in an alley in SOMA around the corner from the AYCE practice space (back when it was a dodgy place to be). In no uncertain terms did AYCE let me know how incredibly stupid/dangerous/naive it was to do this.
The kinds of bands we got play alongside on KSCU.
Alan and Craig.
View of YourMotherMobile #1 from the cab of YourMotherMobile #2
1994, March 26, Pepperoni’s Pizza, Stockton, CA
Photo by Bug
1994, May 27, Reno, NV
1994, May 28, Crazy Horse, Boise, ID
As seen on the “One Big Inside Joke” record. Photo by Bug
1994, May 28, Crazy Horse, Boise, ID
As seen on the “One Big Inside Joke” record. Photo by Bug
1994, May 28, Crazy Horse, Boise, ID
As seen on the “One Big Inside Joke” record. Photo by Bug
1994, May 28, Crazy Horse, Boise, ID
As seen on the “One Big Inside Joke” record. Photo by Bug
1994, May 28, Crazy Horse, Boise, ID
As seen on the “One Big Inside Joke” record. Photo by Bug
1994, May 29, Boise, ID
Photo by Bug
1994, July 22, Cupertino Library, Cupertino, CA
Playing in a library.
1994, July 22, Cupertino Library, Cupertino, CA
1994, somewhere.
Alan recording something somewhere at some point in time. Likely 1994.
1994, October 14, Blackford Elementary School, San Jose, CA
Joe worked at the After-School Day Care and invited Your Mother to play for the kids. Joe helped the kids build a wall of paper lunch bags filled with crumpled newspaper.
1994, October 14, Blackford Elementary School, San Jose, CA
This is where the “One Big Inside Joke” album cover comes from. For some reason Mikey couldn’t make it, so we photoshopped him in, otherwise it’s legit.
1994, October 14, Blackford Elementary School, San Jose, CA
When we started playing, the kids all ran, smashed the wall, and started having a paper fight.
1994, October 14, Blackford Elementary School, San Jose, CA
The paper fight went on…
1994, October 14, Blackford Elementary School, San Jose, CA
…and on…
1994, October 14, Blackford Elementary School, San Jose, CA
…and on…
1994, October 14, Blackford Elementary School, San Jose, CA
…and on…
1994, October 14, Blackford Elementary School, San Jose, CA
…and on for the whole show, and it was probably the most fun we ever had playing.
1995, Stanford University, Stanford, CA
Recording “One Big Inside Joke” with Vixx at the Stanford University recording studio, with our other engineer, Toddles, providing “vibes.”
1995, April 1, Matt’s garage, Livermore, CA
This is the pic of Mikey we photoshopped onto the “One Big Inside Joke” cover.
1995, June 14, Trinity, NV
If ever a photo embodied tour it is this one. Our van (Mr. Color TV) in a garage in the middle of nowhere waiting for a part to arrive from another town in the middle of nowhere. We were there so long Alan and Joe got jobs.
1995, June 18
Mr. Color TV broke down a lot.
1995, June PNW Tour
Band photo while on tour with Mindslam. Somewhere in the Pacific Northwest.
1995, June PNW Tour
Group photo with Mindslam and Mr Color TV. Somewhere in the Pacific Northwest.
1995, July 7, Reno, NV
A bagel shop in Reno is as good a place to take a picture of Mikey, Alan, Brad, Scott Jones, and Alex as any.
1995, August 5, Davis, CA
We played a lot of shows with Girl’s Soccer and so one time we dressed up as Girl’s Tennis. Later this night we left Mikey at the grocery store, Home Alone-style. I think he may have still been dressed like this.
1995, September 17
1995, September 17
1995, Camino Brazos Art Scene HQ, Pleasanton, CA
Toddles recording us recording our cover of Judas Priest's “Freewheel Burning” for the “Death to False Metal” comp.
1995, New Year's Eve, Paul's living room, San Jose, CA
Mikey and Joe were off touring with Ringwurm, and we played a less than our usual below average set to about 20 people.
1995, New Year's Eve, Paul's living room, San Jose, CA
Pleasanton's local legend Scott Jones, assisting Craig in San Jose. After this show we went to see Hickey at a Steak House, and Aesop poured a pitcher full of piss on some guy.
1996, January 15, Los Gatos Teen Center, Los Gatos, CA
Bradley. Show with Hickey, Wynona Riders, and Mindslam.
1996, January 15, Cheezer’s Pizza, Davis, CA
The back cover of our “Scott Jones” EP, taken at Cheezer’s in Davis.
1996, January 28, Chameleon, San Francisco, CA
Devon, looking upon us like “Ah, that’s my boys.”
1996, January 28, Chameleon, San Francisco, CA
1996, April 6, Knights of Columbus Hall, Cupertino, CA
The 2nd coolest hall in Cupertino, I'm not referring to the temperature. This picture is fuzzy because it was so hot in there.
1996, April 6, Knights of Columbus Hall, Cupertino, CA
Bradley worked at the Wherehouse and brought a cardboard movie standee to the show, and had Alan try and wear it while we played. It had no effect on his ability to thumb that bass.
1996, April 6, Knights of Columbus Hall, Cupertino, CA
Michael Douglas, Alan, and Annette Bening from The American President.
1996, April, Davis, CA
Playing a punk show at Punk Roge’s in Davis with Mick Mucus in the foreground totally cultural misappropriating a sombrero (he’s from Peru). Peep Scott Jones in the SUICIDAL hat.
1996, Pink Palace, San Leandro, CA
Aaron once again forgets that he can't play guitar or sing, but demands we let him do both.
1996, Pink Palace, San Leandro, CA
Vixx singing along
1996, Pink Palace, San Leandro, CA
Living room punk shows.
1996, May 25, Bassett Books, Livermore, CA
Craig Moose.
1996, July, somewhere in the PNW
Possibly the very day Bradley started talking.
1996, July, somewhere in the PNW
Alex the Loft Troll
1996, July, somewhere in the PNW
Stay cool Mikey
1996, July, somewhere in the PNW
Band photo, Joe was probably driving Mr ColorTV down the freeway while we took this.
1996, July, Reno, NV
Your Mother and pals Inquisition, from Virginia.
1996, July, somewhere in Washington
Alex can handle no more of our tour shenanigans, and we drop him off at the nearest airport.
1996, July, Corvallis, OR
The punkest house in Corvallis was located right across the street from the Sigma Nu frat house. And we wonder why there was “Fuck You Frat Boy” graffiti on the door!
1996, July, somewhere in the PNW
Joe enjoys a scenic view at the start of our US/Canadian tour.
1996, August, Weinhard Brewery Complex, Portland, OR
Drinking lots of free rootbeer.
1996, August, somewhere in Western Canada
After our show, we got free access to the dance club.
1996, August, somewhere in Western Canada
Abusing our free hotel privileges.
1996, August 4
Our favorite collective past time (except for maybe roller skating).
1996, August 4, Edmonton, Alberta, CA
Craig headbanging in the middle of the street with his pants down because that’s what happens after being in a van for a couple weeks. Edmonton, Alberta, home of SNFU.
1996, August 14, Winnipeg, CA
With Jord in front of our doctored van. Our plates were stolen the day before entering Canada so we draw fake ones on with Sharpie.
1996, August 14, Winnipeg, CA
We also augmented the van with pictures of notable Canadians: Donavan Bailey the Olympic runner, Sebastian Bach, and Kramer. That big window behind the driver’s seat was installed so that Alan could sit there naked and wave at passing motorists.
1996, August 17, I-Spy House, Winnipeg, CA
Basement show in Winnipeg. Photo by Jon Schledewitz
1996, August 17, I-Spy House, Winnipeg, CA
Mikey in Winnipeg. Photo by Jon Schledewitz
1996, August 25, Point Molate, Richmond, CA
Much of the gang hanging out at our first Geek Fest.
1996, October 11, Blue Dolphin Studios, San Francisco, CA
The first show Scott Alcoholocaust ever booked for us. Your Mother, Los Enfurnos (L.A.), New Speedway Kings, Looney Kings,
Riff Raff (Santa Cruz).
1996, October 11, Blue Dolphin Studios, San Francisco, CA
1996, October 11, Blue Dolphin Studios, San Francisco, CA
1996, October 11, Blue Dolphin Studios, San Francisco, CA
The original teal blue Pork Pie 10" snare drum, later lost after a show in South Bay. Likely flying out the back of Craig's truck on 680 North.
1996, October 11, Blue Dolphin Studios, San Francisco, CA
1996, October 11, Blue Dolphin Studios, San Francisco, CA
1996, October 11, Blue Dolphin Studios, San Francisco, CA
1996, October 11, Blue Dolphin Studios, San Francisco, CA
1996, October 11, Blue Dolphin Studios, San Francisco, CA
1996, October 11, Blue Dolphin Studios, San Francisco, CA
Alan chin.
1996, October 25, Ryland St Basement, Reno, NV
Bradley in Reno, from when we played with Fun People.
1996, October 26, some backyard, Concord, CA
Bradley, backyard show with Fun People.
1996, October 26, some backyard, Concord, CA
Joe down in the dirt, backyard show with Fun People.
1996, June
Possibly 1996 in Las Vegas. David Hayes, Mikey, Aaron Muntz (driver's seat), Craig, Alan, Joe, Bradley.
1996, June 14, Pabco Road in the Las Vegas desert, Las Vegas, NV
That time we played a show in the LV desert. There's footage of it up on YouTube.
1996, December 31, Cupertino, CA
New Years Eve show.
1996, December 31, Cupertino, CA
New Years Eve show. Photo by Murray Bowels (RIP).
1996, December 31, Cupertino, CA
New Years Eve show. Photo by Murray Bowels (RIP).
1996, December 31, Cupertino, CA
New Years Eve show. Photo by Murray Bowels (RIP).
1996, December 31, Cupertino, CA
Craig electric. Photo by Murray Bowels (RIP).
1996, December 31, Cupertino, CA
Alan and Bradley.
1996, December 31, Cupertino, CA
Mikey. Photo by Murray Bowels (RIP).
1997, Amador Valley High School, Pleasanton, CA
Can’t remember the date of this. I do remember Pete taking the mic and laying into the students of Amador like that scene in the teen movie where the nerd finally gets his say.
1997, Amador Valley High School, Pleasanton, CA
Professional band photo.
1997, February, some hall in Campbell, CA
Pirate Cat Records Benefit. Some kid broke a fluorescent light over his head, and Hickey played one of their most painful sets ever. This was also the night that BonneVicci entered our lives, and souls.
1997, February 7, 924 Gilman St, Berkeley, CA
1997, February 16, Starcleaners, San Francisco, CA
Joe and Alan wouldn't come up for this show, so Mikey, Craig, and Bradley were forced to play without them. We decided to play a "short-set" in the style of Dorf On Golf.
Weird Al giving his approval for the “Weird Al-bum” record.
1997, April 6, Point Molate Beach, Richmond, CA
Monsters of Geek, Geek Fest. Where we won a raffle to record a song at Testament’s rehearsal studio in Oakland.
1997, SoundWave, Oakland, CA
Paul Lew recording the trumpet for “Leggo My Falafel” in Testament’s rehearsal studio.
1997, SoundWave, Oakland, CA
Alan yelling “YOU NEED IT!” during our recording of “Leggo My Falafel” in Testament’s rehearsal studio.
1996, June, 17th & Capp, San Francisco, CA
Alan and Craig.
1996, June, 17th & Capp, San Francisco, CA
1996, June, 17th & Capp, San Francisco, CA
Alex and Devon up.
1996, 17th & Capp, San Francisco, CA
Alex and Devon down.
1996, June 13, Andresen’s Pea Soup, Santa Nella, CA
Butts up.
1997, June 14, Buffalo Bill's Hotel and Casino, Primm, NV
Desperado rails.
1997, June 14, Buffalo Bill's Hotel and Casino, Primm, NV
Riding the Desperado rails.
1997, June 14, Pabco Road desert, Las Vegas, NV
Playing in the desert outside of Las Vegas.
1997, June 15, Primm, NV
Alan the Mad Geek.
1997, July 5, Monkey Bus Day Care, Davis, CA
All the necessary instruments to create "One Big Disappointment".
1997, July 6, Monkey Bus Day Care, Davis, CA
Alan recording tuba for "One Big Disappointment".
1997, July 6, Monkey Bus Day Care, Davis, CA
Max Hart recording keys for "One Big Disappointment".
1997, July 6, Monkey Bus Day Care, Davis, CA
Important recording moments for "One Big Disappointment".
1997, July 14, on our way to Israel
Bradley, Mikey, and Bonnevicci outbound to Israel.
1997, July 14, on our way to Israel
Bonnevicci got ejected from the main cabin.
1997, July 14, on our way to Israel
Bonnevicci getting the Laura Palmer treatment.
1997, July 14, on our way to Israel
Layover in Frankfurt, Germany. Craig and Bonnevicci (with a busted nose).
1997, July 14, Haifa, Israel
Your Mother and Useless ID at a Bar Mitzvah. According to the back of the photo: Shay, Craig, Adi (kneeling), Ralph, Guy, Ishay, Hashsub, Mikey, Bradley.
1997, July 14, Haifa, Israel
Mikey, Haim, Ishay, Bradley at “Most Humped Falafel”
1997, July 14, Mediterranean Sea, Haifa, Israel
When we went into the water and left BonneVicci by our stuff the bomb squad showed up to investigate him. We then started calling him BombeVicci.
1997, July 20, Bus stop, northern Israel
Bonnevicci, Mikey, and Craig at a bus stop on our way to northern Israel, without escorts. Surprised we made it.
1997, July 19, Israel / Lebanon border
Border bros.
1997, July 22, Dead Sea, Israel
Bradley and Mikey at the Dead Sea.
1997, July 24, The Left Bank, Tel Aviv, Israel
Playing the left Bank.
1997, July 24, The Left Bank, Tel Aviv, Israel
Ishay from Useless ID singing “Greg Ex-Masturbator” in Hebrew.
1997, July 24, The Left Bank, Tel Aviv, Israel
1997, July 24, The Left Bank, Tel Aviv, Israel
Still pantless.
1997, July 24, The Left Bank, Tel Aviv, Israel
Bonnevicci center stage.
1997, July 24, The Left Bank, Tel Aviv, Israel
Both Alan and Joe couldn't do this tour, so Mikey played bass.
1997, July 22, Haifa, Israel
The Israeli military also taking an interest in BonneVicci.
1997, July 25, somewhere in Tel Aviv, Israel
Sweaty crowd not exactly loving in what we were doing.
1997, July 25, somewhere in Tel Aviv, Israel
Craig and Mikey.
1997, July 25, somewhere in Tel Aviv, Israel
Adi as body guard, and backup dancer.
1997, July 25, somewhere in Tel Aviv, Israel
Ahh, Israel was not exempt from the mid-90s piccolo snare drum craze.
1997, July 25, somewhere in Tel Aviv, Israel
Craig guitarless... keep in mind, we were a three piece with Mikey on bass for this tour. Must have sounded great.
1997, July 26, Cream, Haifa Israel
Off to a good start.
1997, July 26, Cream, Haifa Israel
Seems like things are going well.
1997, July 26, Cream, Haifa Israel
Mikey having bass issues in the background maybe?
1997, July 26, Cream, Haifa Israel
1997, July 26, Cream, Haifa Israel
And now we're down to guitar and drums.
1997, July 26, Cream, Haifa Israel
And now it appears just drums.
1997, July 26, Cream, Haifa Israel
1997, August 6, Adidas House, Israel
Sleeping arrangements were adequate.
1997, August 7, Adidas House, Israel
Waking up.
1997, August, Sea Level, Israel
Craig and Mikey at Sea Level Camel.
1997, August, Haifa, Israel
Bradley and Craig found some good street art in Israel.
1997, October 18, Chico, CA
Somewhere in Chico
1997, October 18, Chico, CA
Somewhere in Chico
1997, October 18 in Chico, CA
Somewhere in Chico
1997, October 18, Chico, CA
Somewhere in Chico
1997, October 18, Chico, CA
Somewhere in Chico
1997, October 19, Eggplant’s backyard, Pinole, CA
Steve "The List" Koepke and Craig
1997, October 19, Eggplant’s backyard, Pinole, CA
Scott Jones, of “Sometimes Scott Jones is Our Roadie” fame, in the background.
1997, October 19, Eggplant’s backyard, Pinole, CA
Backyard show in Pinole, where both Joe and Alan didn't show up, so we had audience members play bass. Also where that live track from "One Big Disappointment" comes from.
1997, October 19, Eggplant’s backyard, in Pinole, CA
Bradley with Bonnevicci.
1997, October 31, 924 Gilman St, Berkeley, CA
We doubled-booked and some of us played one show as Your Mother while Mikey played Gilman as Your Mother. He only played Greg: Ex-Masturbator on his Casio keyboard, over and over and over again.
1997, November 8, Teen Center, Davis, CA
1997, November, some high school in San Jose, CA
Second Harvest Food Bank Benefit. It was in a huge auditorium with full laser light show.
1997, November, some high school in San Jose, CA
One of the best photos of Alan.
1997, November, some high school in San Jose, CA
Craig, building up angst before the show.
1997, November, some high school in San Jose, CA
Craig, releasing his built up angst.
1997, December in Australia
Alan and Craig getting in some table tennis between shows.
1997, December 31 in Mildura, Australia
Alex the Poof. New Years Eve show in Mildura.
1997, December 31 in Mildura, Australia
New Year’s Eve show in Mildura.
1997, December 31 in Mildura, Australia
New Year’s Eve show in Mildura.
1997, December 31 in Mildura, Australia
How we spent NYE 1997
1998, January, somewhere in Australia
Alan Leopard, from the show with Sprung Monkey.
1998, January 3, The Iron Duke, Sydney, Australia
Craig the ultimate guitar warrior. The audio from this show was released as a split CD with Nancy Vandal.
1998, January, JJ LaMoore’s House, Australia
Alan relaxing between shows in Australia. Alan sitting naked in that chair was nothing compared to Alan sleepwalking in the middle of the night and them waking up to him standing at the foot of their bed. Eagle-eyed Your Mother fanatics will recognize this picture as the cover of the “Advice…” spilt 7" with Bobby Joe Ebola.
1998, January, somewhere in Australia
Mikey and Joe
1998, January, somewhere in Australia
Love the set-up of the place.
1998, January, somewhere in Australia
Joe making use of the walk.
1998, January, somewhere in Australia
Craig making use of the cat walk.
1998, January, somewhere in Australia
Head bang part.
1998, January 7, Australia
Craig shredding.
1998, January in Australia
Brad, the reject.
1998, January in Australia
Four sexy guys, one polluted beach.
1998, January 7, Australia
Mikey getting a tattoo from a guy from Rose Tattoo!
1998, January in Australia
Bonnevicci, our resident tortured soul, relaxing in Australia before a show.
1998, January in Australia
We ran into Devon Morf (AYCE, What Happens Next?) while down under. Fancy that! Nice beard, Devon!
1998, January in Australia
Mikey's dream come true. Australia is a really weird place.
1998, January 12 flight to New Zealand
Flying from AU to Auckland, NZ.
1998, January 12 flight to New Zealand
Flying from AU to Auckland, NZ.
1998, January, somewhere in New Zealand
Bonnevicci taking a dip.
1998, January 14, Eketahuna, New Zealand
On the way to Masterton to play the Masonic Hall. Photo by Lyn Lentil.
1998, January, somewhere in New Zealand
Band photo in the van.
1998, January 16, The Stomach, Palmerston North, New Zealand
We decided to play all these shows in our undwear.
1998, January 16, The Stomach, Palmerston North, New Zealand
Bart Simpson shirt. Very 90s.
1998, January 16, The Stomach, Palmerston North, New Zealand
Mikey, Alex behind.
1998, January 16, The Stomach, Palmerston North, New Zealand
Alex foreground.
1998, January 16, The Stomach, Palmerston North, New Zealand
Even the audience members got in on the underwear thing.
1998, January 16, The Stomach, Palmerston North, New Zealand
Mikey undies.
1998, January 17, New Zealand
Our Kiwi Tour Crew at a geothermal amusement park where Alex, of course, got burned by scalding hot projectile mud.
1998, January 17, College Hill, Auckland, New Zealand
Bradley during our last show of the Aussie/NZ tour.
1998, January 17, College Hill, Auckland, New Zealand
Photo by Lyn Lentil.
1998, January 17, College Hill, Auckland, New Zealand
Photo by Lyn Lentil.
1998, January 17, College Hill, Auckland, New Zealand
Photo by Lyn Lentil.
1998, January 17, College Hill, Auckland, New Zealand
Photo by Lyn Lentil.
1998, January 17, College Hill, Auckland, New Zealand
Photo by Lyn Lentil.
1998, January 17, College Hill, Auckland, New Zealand
Photo by Lyn Lentil.
1998, January 17, College Hill, Auckland, New Zealand
Photo by Lyn Lentil.
1998, January 17, College Hill, Auckland, New Zealand
Photo by Lyn Lentil.
1998, January 17, College Hill, Auckland, New Zealand
Photo by Lyn Lentil.
1998, January 17, College Hill, Auckland, New Zealand
Photo by Lyn Lentil.
1998, January 17, College Hill, Auckland, New Zealand
Photo by Lyn Lentil.
1998, January 17, College Hill, Auckland, New Zealand
Photo by Lyn Lentil.
1998, January 17, College Hill, Auckland, New Zealand
Photo by Lyn Lentil.
1998, January 17, College Hill, Auckland, New Zealand
Photo by Lyn Lentil.
1998, January 17, College Hill, Auckland, New Zealand
Photo by Lyn Lentil.
1998, January 17, College Hill, Auckland, New Zealand
No matter how much he tries, Bradley can't hide his love for New Zealanders behind Bonnevicci. Wherever we'd go, Bradley would always end up smooching New Zealanders. What a wacky guy!
1998, January 23, 924 Gilman St, Berkeley, CA
After our attempts to play in Hawaii fall through, we bring Hawaii to Berkeley. Check out that nutty five string bass I'm playing!
1998, January 23, 924 Gilman St, Berkeley, CA
Joe can't get enough of the beach, especially if it involves painting Gilman. Gilman Beach Party was our first time covering up years of spray paint at the club, and our handiwork was totally desecrated within 2 weeks.
1998, January 23, 924 Gilman St, Berkeley, CA
Surfer Mikey
1998, January 23, 924 Gilman St, Berkeley, CA
Some people buy their friend's gifts to show their appreciation. We gave Col. Matthew Von Burink his own toilet at Gilman Street in 1998.
1998, March 21, The Wehrhous, Benicia, CA
Craig Alligator, from a show with Thee Evaporators.
1998, March 21, The Wehrhous, Benicia, CA
1998, March 21, The Wehrhous, Benicia, CA
Mikey, Nardwuar, and Craig.
1998, March 21, The Wehrhous, Benicia, CA
Craig assisting Nardwuar during Thee Evaporators set.
1998, May 8, Odd Fellows Hall, San Jose, CA
Craig, with Colonel Matthew Von Burink scratching that noggin.
1998, Great America, Santa Clara, CA
Bradley, Weird Al, and Craig.
1998, April 25, 924 Gilman St, Berkeley, CA
Craig and Bonnevicci from the "Sports" themed Gilman show.
1998, July 3, 924 Gilman St, Berkeley, CA
"Pajama" themed Gilman show. Photo by Jenn Wheeler.
1998, July 3, 924 Gilman St, Berkeley, CA
Alex PacMan.
1998, July 3, 924 Gilman St, Berkeley, CA
Even at Gilman where people wear some ridiculous stuff Brad wearing a blue satin nightie still stuck out.
1998, July 3, 924 Gilman St, Berkeley, CA
Unlike my onesie.
1998, July 3, 924 Gilman St, Berkeley, CA
Pete lifting a bikini-and-robe-wearing Joe.
1997, July 3, 924 Gilman St, Berkeley, CA
More of the bikini-and-robe-wearing Joe action.
1998, 924 Gilman St, Berkeley, CA
Gilman before.
1998, 924 Gilman St, Berkeley, CA
Gilman before.
1998, 924 Gilman St, Berkeley, CA
Gilman after.
1998, 924 Gilman St, Berkeley, CA
Gilman after.
1998, 924 Gilman St, Berkeley, CA
1998, August 30, Mission Records, San Francisco, CA
Alan great bass pose. Photo by Karoline.
1998, August 30, Mission Records, San Francisco, CA
Alexercise. Photo by Karoline.
1998, Sept 28, Radio Free Records, San Jose CA
One of the funnest places to play in San Jose, of course it shut down because rent is so danged high around here. Notice my fingers are nowhere near the strings.
1998, Sept 28, Radio Free Records, San Jose CA
Photo by Mark Hanford.
1998, Sept 28, Radio Free Records, San Jose CA
Photo by Mark Hanford.
1998, Sept 28, Radio Free Records, San Jose CA
Photo by Mark Hanford.
1998, Sept 28, Radio Free Records, San Jose CA
Photo by Mark Hanford.
1998, Sept 28, Radio Free Records, San Jose CA
I'm So Happy, Joe.
1998, November 29, Joe’s House, San Jose CA
When Dean and Kim got married, they asked us to play the wedding march for the ceremony. We couldn't figure it out, so I just played the "Death March" from Star Wars on my tuba instead. You better bet they're divorced already. Photo by Jenn Wheeler.
1998, November 29, Joe’s House, San Jose CA
Craig gets all gussied up for Dean and Kim's wedding! Photo by Jenn Wheeler.
1998, November 29, Joe’s House, San Jose CA
Alan playing the march for Dean and Kim's wedding! Photo by Murray Bowels (RIP).
Band photo.
1999, January 6 in Reno, NV
Tour falls through? Get your suits on boys, we're heading to Reno! Read all about the failed tour.
1999, March 15
Band photo
1999, summer somewhere in Arizona
LLCA (Ladies Love Cool Alex).
1999, July 2, PCH, Hermosa Beach, CA
Craig preparing for a double-duty What Happens Next? and Your Mother show.
1999, July 2, PCH, Hermosa Beach, CA
Alex The Poof, Alan, and Bradley – playing fast.
1999, July 4, Whittier College, Whittier, CA
With What Happens Next and Life's Halt. Mikey's amp caught on fire at this show. Photo by Karoline.
1999, July 4, Whittier College, Whittier, CA
Hard Rock Alan. Photo by Karoline.
1999, July 4, Whittier College, Whittier, CA
Alan spotting Joe. Photo by Karoline.
1999, July 4, Whittier College, Whittier, CA
Joe. Photo by Karoline.
1999, July 4, Whittier College, Whittier, CA
Group photo featuring Your Mother, What Happens Next?, Life's Halt. Photo by Karoline.
1999, July 10 Joe's House, San Jose, CA
Todd's bachelor party. Gotta love a good half-naked male-bonding experience anytime you can.
1999, July 10 Joe's House, San Jose, CA
Todd's bachelor party, 1999. Winner and losers.
1999, July 10 Joe's House, San Jose, CA
Todd's bachelor party, 1999. Bonnevicci.
1999, Joe's Garage, San Jose, CA
Bradley, photo by Jenn Wheeler
1999, Joe's Garage, San Jose, CA
Mikey, photo by Jenn Wheeler
1999, Joe's Garage, San Jose, CA
Alan's Kip Winger style of playing bass. Photo by Murray Bowels (RIP).
1999, July-August in Honolulu, HI
Hawaiian band photo. Read all about the Hawaiian tour.
1999, July-August in Honolulu, HI
This is Louie. He had never heard the term “hessian” before.
1999, July-August in Honolulu, HI
Bonnevicci and Colonel Matthew Von Burink
1999, July-August in Honolulu, HI
Bonnevicci and crew
1999, July-August in Honolulu, HI
Your Mother at a bar!
1999, July-August in Honolulu, HI
The Hawaiian Express Van. Colonel Matthew Von Burink. We did a trade with Hawaii recently, we got Louie and they got the Colonel.
1999, July-August in Honolulu, HI
Joe skates Wallows, searching for Animal Chin.
1999, July-August in Honolulu, HI
Mikey, Tony, and Joe.
1999, July 30 at Beach Club, Waikiki, HI
Sure, we look happy now, but a few hours later someone was stealing our guitars.
Watch on YouTube
1999, July 30 at Beach Club, Waikiki, HI
Watch on YouTube
1999, July 30 at Beach Club, Waikiki, HI
Watch on YouTube
1999, July 30 at Beach Club, Waikiki, HI
Watch on YouTube
1999, July 30 at Beach Club, Waikiki, HI
Watch on YouTube
1999, July 30 Honolulu, HI
Joe, Craig, Bradley, Alan, Mikey, and Tony.
1999, August 3, Neal S. Blaisdell Center, Honolulu, HI
For some reason Alexs’ outfit was deemed inappropriate by the security at a Rage Against the Machine concert. Jon Spencer Blues Explosion were opening and borrowed some gear so we got in free.
1999, San Jose, CA.
Mikey's classic “look at me, I'm drunk!” pose.
1999, Miniature Golf Course, Sunnyvale, CA
We spent a day taking promo shots for the "Golfing Record" that was never released.
1999, Miniature Golf Course, Sunnyvale, CA
We spent a day taking promo shots for the "Golfing Record" that was never released.
1999, Miniature Golf Course, Sunnyvale, CA
We spent a day taking promo shots for the "Golfing Record" that was never released.
1999, Miniature Golf Course, Sunnyvale, CA
We spent a day taking promo shots for the "Golfing Record" that was never released.
1999, Miniature Golf Course, Sunnyvale, CA
We spent a day taking promo shots for the "Golfing Record" that was never released.
1999, somewhere in the South Bay, CA
Bradley never sings.
1999, somewhere in the South Bay, CA
Alan PJ jumper.
1999, September 11, Joe’s House, San Jose, CA
1999, November 4 at Club Cocodrie, San Francisco, CA
with Atom and His Package and The Gods Hate Kansas. The singer from TGHK is one of my many doppelgängers.
1999, November 4 at Club Cocodrie, San Francisco, CA
Joe always has Craig's back.
1999, November 4 at Club Cocodrie, San Francisco, CA
Joe and Craig.
1999, November 4 at Club Cocodrie, San Francisco, CA
Bradley. Photo by Punk Rock Joel
1999, November 4 at Club Cocodrie, San Francisco, CA
Bradley. Photo by Punk Rock Joel
1999, November 4 at Club Cocodrie, San Francisco, CA
Joe jump.
1999, November 4 at Club Cocodrie, San Francisco, CA
Joe on his head.
1999, November 4 at Club Cocodrie, San Francisco, CA
Getting low.
1999, November 11 at 924 Gilman St, Berkeley, CA
Photo by Mark Hanford.
1999, November 11 at 924 Gilman St, Berkeley, CA
Photo by Mark Hanford.
1999, November 11 at 924 Gilman St, Berkeley, CA
Photo by Mark Hanford.
1999, November 11 at 924 Gilman St, Berkeley, CA
Photo by Mark Hanford.
1999, December 17 at YWCA, Palo Alto, CA
Our 3rd to last show, and we were already running out of steam! Alex tried to liven things out with a nice 80s extreme skateboarding outfit, I think it just confused people though.
1999, December 17 at YWCA, Palo Alto, CA
Joe tells it like it is.
1999, December 17 at YWCA, Palo Alto, CA
My glorious pirate strap! This was the last full show I played with this strap, it was stolen during our next, and 2nd to last show, along with my bass. Bummer!
1999, December 17 at YWCA, Palo Alto, CA
Unfortunately, no one stole those obnoxious pants from Craig.
1999, December 17 at YWCA, Palo Alto, CA
Nothing better than a raucous game of twister to lighten up a punk rock show.
1999, December 17 at YWCA, Palo Alto, CA
Skate or Die!
1999, December 31 New Years Eve
Nice jacket Alan.
1999, December 31 New Year's Eve
Mikey with his fancy sweater, his fancy beer, and his “look at me, I'm drunk!” pose.
2000, January 8 at Pleasanton Vet's Hall, Pleasanton, CA
Second to last Your Mother show. Mikey.
2000, January 8 at Pleasanton Vet's Hall, Pleasanton, CA
Second to last Your Mother show. Alex attempts to wind up the crowd during a particularly boring part of our set.
2000, January 8 at Pleasanton Vet's Hall, Pleasanton, CA
Pete carrying Joe.
2000, January 8 at Pleasanton Vet's Hall, Pleasanton, CA
Craig connecting with the active crowd.
2000, January 8 at Pleasanton Vet's Hall, Pleasanton, CA
This must be after Alan's bass was stolen mid-show.
2000, January 8 at Pleasanton Vet's Hall, Pleasanton, CA
A photo of the drummer.
2000, January 8, Pleasanton Vet's Hall, Pleasanton, CA
Alex bike.
The last Your Mother show
924 Gilman St, Berkeley, CA
Photo by Chris
Someone brought a fake BonneVicci to the show and hung him in the rafters where he remained for years.
Alex Koll: Wizard Hello
Photo by Karoline
Photo by Karoline
Photo by Karoline
Photo by Karoline
Photo by Karoline
Photo by Karoline
Photo by Karoline
Photo by Karoline
Photo by Karoline
Photo by Karoline
Photo by Karoline
Photo by Karoline
Photo by Karoline
Photo by Karoline
Photo by Karoline
Photo by Karoline
Photo by Karoline
Photo by Karoline
Photo by ?
Photo by ?
Photo by Jenn
Photo by Jenn
Photo by Jenn
Photo by Jenn
Photo by Jenn
Photo by Jenn
Photo by Jenn
Photo by Jenn
Photo by Jenn
Photo by Jenn
Photo by Jenn
Photo by Jenn
Photo by Jenn
Photo by Jenn
Photo by Jenn
Photo by Jenn
Photo by Jenn
Photo by Jenn
Photo by Jenn
Photo by Jenn
Photo by Jenn
Photo by Jenn
Photo by Jenn
Photo by Toddles
Photo by Toddles
Photo by Toddles
Photo by Toddles
Photo by Toddles
Photo by Toddles
Photo by Toddles
Photo by Toddles
Photo by Toddles
Photo by Toddles
Photo by Toddles
Photo by Toddles
Photo by Toddles
Photo by Toddles
Photo by Toddles
Photo by Toddles
Photo by Toddles
Photo by Toddles
Photo by Toddles
Photo by Toddles
Photo by Toddles
Photo by Toddles
Photo by Mark Hanford
Photo by Mark Hanford
Photo by Mark Hanford
Photo by Mark Hanford
Photo by Mark Hanford
Photo by Mark Hanford
Photo by Mark Hanford
Photo by Mark Hanford
Photo by Mark Hanford
Photo by Mark Hanford
Photo by Mark Hanford
Photo by Mark Hanford
Photo by Mark Hanford
Photo by Mark Hanford
Photo by Mark Hanford
Photo by Mark Hanford
Photo by Mark Hanford
Photo by Mark Hanford
Photo by Mark Hanford
Photo by Mark Hanford
Photo by Mark Hanford
Photo by Mark Hanford
Photo by Mark Hanford
Photo by Mark Hanford
Photo by Mark Hanford
Photo by Mark Hanford
Photo by Mark Hanford
Photo by Mark Hanford
Photo by Mark Hanford
Photo by Mark Hanford
Photo by Mark Hanford
Photo by Mark Hanford
Photo by Mark Hanford
Photo by Mark Hanford
Photo by Mark Hanford
Photo by Mark Hanford
Photo by Mark Hanford
Photo by Mark Hanford
Photo by Mark Hanford
Photo by Mark Hanford
2009, the High Speed Internet
In the days before Zoom, Nancy Vandal hosted a virtual reunion for Your Mother.
2011, Craig's Garage, Oakland, CA
Bonnevicci amongst boxes and boxes of unsold merch.
…and don't forget about the YM cheerleaders, who followed Your Mother around briefly in 1996/1997: Matt, Srini, Vixx, Alex and more.