Show History
Your Mother show history

- January 9, 2000
- Your Mother’s last show ever, reunion show for all the other bands
- Your Mother, Schlong, Drippy Drawers, Girl’s Soccer, Jenny Piccolo
- 924 Gilman St, Berkeley, CA
- I guess this is going to be the last one of these! The epic last show! This was more fun than you could ever believe. Somewhere in the vicinity of 700 people showed up, and Gilman St has a sign posted that says “Maximum Capacity: 250” so it was a bit hot and sweaty. The best part of the show was seeing all the bands that got back together to play. Girl’s Soccer was always fun to see, and even though Jay’s (the drummer) foot was in a cast, he still played great. Jenny Piccolo couldn't make it, so Preachers That Lie hopped on the bill instead. I only saw them once when I was 16, yet I still knew all of their songs. Weird. Drippy Drawers wins the contest for traveling the farthest (two of the members live in Oregon and flew down for the show) and they rocked especially hard. I never got to see them when they were together, and I’ve been listening to their tape for years so it was fun to see them play. Plus they’re all super nice guys. Schlong was the most “together” band (including us, strangely) and its odd because they only practiced once. I’ve seen them countless times and they were just as fun and chaotic as ever. Our set was, well, pure insanity. There was almost no room to move onstage because everyone decided that would be a really good place to stand. Once we get the pictures developed I’ll explain more, because you really had to be there.
- Watch on YouTube

- January 8, 2000
- Last show in Pleasanton (heck, first show in Pleasanton in 5 years or so.)
- Your Mother, Outfit, SPiSHAK
- Pleasanton Vet’s Hall, Pleasanton, CA
- I lost my bass! I lost my strap! He has his bass! He has his strap! Anytime I can weasel in a Moonstruck reference I’m happy. We hadn’t played in Pleasanton in like four years, and I saw a lot of people I hadn’t seen in well, four years. SPiSHAK was pretty entertaining, they kept talking about how Pleasanton hates them, although Pleasanton was just indifferent to them like they are to everyone else they don’t know. They did a lot of ass-kissing, and they even baked us a cake, which Alex did a back-flop (not a back-flip, but a back-flop) onto. Needless to say, I didn’t get any cake. During our set, some jerk walked off with my bass, which was annoying. I have another one, but I really liked that one! It had a pirate strap!
- December 19, 1999
- YMs last show in San Jose, also Brad Stoddard’s graduation party, and Joe’s “I’m quitting school forever” party.
- Your Mother, The Narrows (on tour), Killing Independent a band from Sacramento, SPiSHAK (maybe)
- Joe’s House, San Jose, CA
- Poop on your face! Ooh, this was a fun one! I was excited to play this show, because parties at Joe’s house are usually pretty fun as long as they don’t get of control. This one was plagued by difficulty from the beginning though. Joe is a bit forgetful, and he forgot to get a PA for the show, so it didn’t actually start until about 6pm. Bradley didn’t really want to be there, I was sick and there was some speculation as to how Mikey would react to the attendance of some people he doesn't like. Turns out he didn’t really care, but he and I went to my house to play video games because we were bored. I told Craig I’d be back before we play. We show up again around 6:30, and Craig and Bradley are gone, they went back to Pleasanton because they figured we weren't coming back. And to top it off, there were rumors circulating around the party that Mikey and I were to blame for the band not playing, so when we showed up everyone was mad at us. Oh well. On a positive note, Chu-Chi Nut Nut and the Pine Cone Express (me, Craig, Joe, Alex) practiced for the first time this morning, and it was loads of fun.
- December 17, 1999
- Benefit for the Second Harvest food bank.
- Salmon, Reaction 31, Broken Vision, NME, Your Mother, Abby Normal
- YMCA, Palo Alto, CA
- Huh? Actually, this show wasn’t that bad! I guess compared to the night before, nothing could really be considered “bad.” We played Twister, met some friends, and went through an entire set without anyone quitting or breaking anything! Wow! Could have had something to do with us playing early in the evening, hence there was no time for a drunken stupor to take over half the band. They had two stages set up, and we got to play on the “rock star” stage. How utterly cool is that?

- December 11, 1999
- MAM’s 1 year anniversary celebration! The best record store in all of the greater Lake Tahoe area!
- Your Mother, Ding Dang, Unit Breed, Zebu
- Mad About Music, South Lake Tahoe, CA
- Barf! Sniff, sniff, our last “tour.” We had tons of fun, and if we hadn’t played a show (or at least not at 1:30 in the morning after a good portion of the band got totally loaded on Natural Ice) it would have been even funner. I’ll spare you the details (those will be saved for the final junkmailer), but let’s just say Mikey passed out by the third song, Bradley quit by the fifth, and three other people took over playing our songs for us.

- November 20, 1999
- International Porn Star Nuts Day benefit
- Your Mother, Rocket Queens, Skibn, Killing Independent
- Magoo’s Pizza, Livermore, CA
- Wah! Our first show since we broke up, ha ha ha. I was in Livermore early that day, so I tried to organize a band bowling game, but it fell through, like everything that happens with this band! Instead me and Alex sat in the bar at Granada bowl drinking beer and eating fried cheese. That got boring, and the beer was way overpriced, so we went to the arcade downtown. But lo and behold, right next door to the arcade is the legendary Livermore Saloon, which neither of us have ever set foot in. We were expecting big bar brawls, country music and spittoons, since we were in Livermore. Instead we found the nicest bartender in the world, clean floors and Color Me Badd on the sound system. Hardly a saloon. We hung out there before going to the arcade, and by the time we made it to the arcade, they were closed. Screw that! We headed down to Magoo’s (where the show was at) to play Ms. Pacman, but the machine was broken. Your Mother more or less sucked ass (I was sufficiently drunk, and I noticed right before the show that I had left my bass at Gilman the last time we played there. I borrowed Ron’s girlfriend’s bass, which I wasn’t used to at all.) but we didn’t care. It wasn’t one of those shows where we hella suck, and we don’t have fun, this time we sucked, but it was fun. Rocket Queens were awesome. When I got home my girlfriend told me that my cat peed all over my clean laundry.
- November 5, 1999
- The end of Atom’s Bay Area dominion
- Yaphet Kotto, Atom & His Package, Your Mother, Sean Na Na, Charmless
- 924 Gilman St, Berkeley, CA
- Bleep! The final night of our three day stand with Atom, and I’d say it was the best night of the three. The kids were out in full force for Atom, so there was a lot of crowd interaction and a higher energy level than the nights before. Your Mother was kinda good too. I had planned on going up early and meeting Tony so we could drink a bunch of overpriced beers at the brewery across the street (I’ve never been there, and since I’m a fucking yuppie now I better start acting like one) but we lagged and didn’t get up there until about 30 minutes before we were supposed to play. As good as this show was, it still was nowhere near the level of MANOWAR’s Kings of Metal album. Yaphet Kotto were so emo that the drummer set up his drum set backwards. Louie the hessian from Hawaii showed up and he invited us to a party at his new pad in El Cerrito, but we had a long drive ahead of us so we took a raincheck.
- November 4, 1999
- AK Press benefit
- Atom & His Package, The Gods Hates Kansas, Your Mother, Captured by Robots
- Club Cocodrie, San Francisco, CA
- Ouch! Ah, it was nice to go to a show that wasn’t at Radio Free Records! Wow! Anyway, I’ve never been a big fan of the Cocodrie and I wasn’t too excited about playing there, but if we wanted a monopoly on Atom’s Bay Area shows we had to play one cheesy rock club. After we played I found out the door price was $7, which is pretty freaking ridiculous, if you ask me. Yes, it was a benefit, but at the same time there were three local bands and one out of town band, none of whom had guarantees. The three local bands weren't getting paid, so how did they justify charging so much? Even the AK Press people were confused. But that gripe aside, the show was tons of fun. We didn’t totally suck like the night before, and SF is always fun because people just stand in the back of the club sipping their $3 beers. Gods Hate Kansas were really good, the last time I saw them I was bored to death and I was kinda expecting the same again. I made some friends and used the whole band’s drink tickets to get expensive beer for free. Ah, the life of a rock and roller.

- November 3, 1999
- Show #1 of the Atom assault on the Bay
- Atom & His Package, Emo Summer, Your Mother, Brain Blood Volume
- Radio Free Records, San Jose, CA
- Meow? Tony and I were finally out of Natural Ice, so we had to actually buy some this time. We made a great discovery, it tastes a lot better in a 40 than it does in a can! Brain Blood Volume was great, Big amps and loud drums. I likeum a lot. This was Emo Summer’s last show, so we played kinda long. I had fun. Atom was decent, but not amazing. He made up for it the next night though. Your Mother totally sucked ass, I am NOT kidding. This was in our bottom three shows, down with the Richmond and 1st annual Zapatista benefit shows. Seriously painful. Everyone left while we played, even my girlfriend. On nights like this we just try to make the best of it, but if we suck, we REALLY SUCK.
- October 1, 1999
- 2nd annual Zapatista benefit
- Emo Summer, Prophets of Rage, Caraduras, Firme, and maybe one more band
- The Works Gallery, San Jose, CA
- Eeek! The 1st annual Zapatista benefit was horribly run, and really annoying. I was expecting the same. This time Adam had his stuff together and put on a decent show. The Works gallery is huge and the sound there sucks. Every time I’ve gone to a show at the Works in the past six years there has been a fight. No fight this time. Yippeee! Tony and I got sufficiently tanked on Natural Ice, again.
- September 13, 1999
- You need to see
- The Get Hustle, My Dying Wish, !!!, Emo Summer
- Radio Free Records, San Jose, CA
- Natural Ice! We were really happy about all the Natural Ice that someone left at Joe’s house after the bike-for-beer-athon. I’ve never understood why people bring beer to a party when there is a keg. I could understand if you bring good beer, but Natural Ice? I don’t understand. Anyway, Tony and I drank a bunch of the Natural Ice before the show. !!! were amazing, but San Jose just doesn't understand the funk and only a couple of us got into the groove. The Get Hustle are the quintessential post-emo band, exactly what we hope happens to Emo Summer. They were totally whacked out on heroin, and were playing music that could only be described as REALLY BAD. The singer was dressed like a gypsy, and she didn’t believe in singing with the music, she instead sang against it. In theory it works, but not in practice. My Dying Wish were top notch emo hardcore. I’m glad there is a good emo band in the South Bay again.
- September 11, 1999
- Bike-For-Beer-A-Thon: an all day drunken punk rock fest.
- Emo Summer, Yogurt, The Flames, many more San Jose bands
- Various places around, San Jose, CA
- Helicopters! Bike-For-Beer-Athon is an annual event in San Jose that may have just seen its last year. A bunch of drunks get on bikes and go from house to house watching bands play. it’s a pretty neat idea, as long as the ratio of fucking idiots and sane people is in check. Joe went all out and decorated his garage like a jungle. Yogurt was awesome. At the house after Joe’s, something caught on fire, police helicopters showed up and someone’s leg was broken in all the chaos.
- August 28, 1999
- A free fun international show
- Useless ID, Your Mother, This Way Up
- Radio Free Records, San Jose, CA
- Woohoo! I’ve been spending way too much time at this record store. The show was fun, no one tried to beat us up, and Useless ID was awesome. This Way Up from Italy were cool too, except that they took a good hour to set up.

- July 30, 1999
- Your Mother Hawaiian Tour
- Your Mother, Emo Summer
- Beach Hall on University Ave, Oahu, Hawaii
- Aloha! Besides our guitars being stolen, Bradley’s back becoming very sunburnt, and minor injuries all around, it was tons of fun. Read more in the Hawaii tour diary.
- July 21, 1999
- Adversives, Aid, Your Mother
- Radio Free Records, San Jose, CA
- July 10, 1999
- A bachelor party for The Bouch
- Your Mother, Rocket Queens
- Joe’s House, San Jose, CA
- How long can this go on? BonneVicci Got Sum in a big way.
- July 4, 1999
- Learn how to tap a keg, and pack a bong
- What Happens Next?, Your Mother
- Whittier College, Whittier, CA
- July 3, 1999
- Come watch as we narrowly escape death
- What Happens Next?, Your Mother
- Headline Records, Los Angeles, CA

- July 2, 1999
- A trip to SoCal to remind us why we never go there
- What Happens Next?, Your Mother, Vivigtis, Redrum, Ruido, Life Halt, Firm Regress
- The PCH, Hermosa Beach, CA
- The Weekend: Awesome. One show ended in a minor explosion, one ended in smoke, and all involved the maddest pits you've ever seen! LIFE’S HALT from Los Angeles were TOTALLY RULING! We were introduced to the L.A. Boogie phenomenon (where once you enter the LA area your nose fills with big, black boogers), we played in DA HOOD, Inglewood (where dey up to no good), I walked into a pole and mangled up my chest, we went to magic mountain AND hurricane harbor and both bands had new records for sale. Had to say it was a good weekend.
- June 4, 1999
- Benefit for the week-long Geek Fest Death Camp
- Your Mother, Yogurt, Captured by Robots
- 924 Gilman St, Berkeley, CA
- Oh yeah! Yogurt is the original HICKEY. Them, combined with Captured By Robots, made this one of the better shows Gilman has seen in a long time. Those Yogurts still remain the most entertaining people in this genre, without a doubt. I had an excellent time, even though we were again bumped into the headlining position and eventually only allotted 7 minutes to play because of recently imposed curfews. That was good though, because we never broke any strings (heck we never even went out of tune!), Joe and I were the only ones to get hurt (I bled form four different places, personally), and I am finally getting used to playing with short hair (it’s interesting how much one’s hair contributes to one’s sense of rhythm).

- May 15, 1999
- Josh’s B-day, again
- Monkey, N.M.E., Flathead (Seattle), Curbside, Aggro, The Sand Dunes (Lake Tahoe), Abby Normal, Your Mother
- Odd Fellows Hall, San Jose, CA
- Blah: we played a less than average set, especially considering last years stellar performance. But we managed some free root beer and only minor musical flubs. Josh got older and yet his obvious liking towards us proves he has yet to actually grow up. Notice how these get shorter and shorter? that’s because we get less and less interesting. Behold the future of Your Mother…
- May 14, 1999
- Los Rabbis, Moodfrye, Spishak, The Jocks, The Kablamies, Your Mother
- Winchester at Campbell Ave, San Jose, CA
- April 30, 1999
- Because Mikey told us we should play
- Your Mother, The Cost, some new form of Soda Pop Fuck You
- Produce store in Richmond, CA
- What you’re glad you missed: This was quite possibly the worst show we have ever played. Top 3 AT LEAST. This time, though, we drove a cumulative 300+ miles! Few things could mar the name YOUR MOTHER more than that performance. It was a classic.
- April 17, 1999
- Pizza and Music
- Your Mother, Wet-Nap, Jocks
- La Vals Pizza, Berkeley, CA
- Yeah: Bradley showed up and 3pm and shortly went back home. Joe and Alan showed up a couple minutes later and went cruising Telegraph Ave. Mikey showed up a few minutes after that and was waiting outside when I showed up. He had this look asking “What the heck is going on?!” I didn’t understand until I went in and asked the guy behind the counter of La Vals who said, “Show’s canceled as of last night. Cops…” No one told us and we all drove many miles in separate vehicles to play nothing to no one. Joe and Alan returned to find a ticket on their car with a note from Mikey and I saying “Show’s canceled. P.S. you got a ticket” They failed to find the humor but we all went to have falafels. An hour later we came up with numerous new album concepts and shirt designs and more ideas for the tour this summer. Minus Bradley, it was actually quite productive for YM. Now Mikey is going to set up a show for Sean’s band (Sean is the guy who set up this show, and thus the one responsible for calling us before we drove all the way there) in the middle of some non-existent place.
- March 5, 1999
- Hard rock and cinnamon rolls
- Your Mother, Artimus Pyle, Deathreat (x-His Hero Is Gone), Talk Is Poison, Emo Summer
- 924 Gilman St, Berkeley, CA
- Lacking a new schtick, and having not practiced in almost 18 months, I was desperate to do something to make this show worth everyone’s while. Without the knowledge of the band or even my lovely girlfriend I brought Karoline, Grrl Roadie, up onstage to assist me in making the ultimate Rock and Roll Sacrifice. [Once, in Brazil, I was sitting at a bus stop itching the back of my head. I had managed to produce a lemon-sized dread back there after not combing it for about a year and a half. It was such an impervious clump of hair that the skin underneath never even dried. It was gross, but I didn’t care. That is, until I got to a got to a foreign country where different elements (parasites, diseases, etc.) exist. This worried me so I asked Karoline to cut the matted ball of hair into accessible “strips.” After much resistance, the scissors finally penetrated the knot and what occurred could only be described as a "blooming." The hair opened like a flower and Karoline said she had never seen anything so repulsive. That was about four years ago and I was hoping to relive that moment with her again.] For each song we played I snipped off one dread. We still sucked.
- Watch on YouTube
- January 23, 1999
- All-Ages, good times, intimate setting
- Your Mother, Captured By Robots, Bobby Joe Ebola, Los Rabis, Shoegazer
- Bobby Joe Ebola’s house, Pinole, CA
- Ahh: This was our first show in THREE MONTHS were we all made it!! We were actually pretty okay, even. Captured By Robots were way better, though, so it didn’t really matter. It was along day spanning into a long night and we had another long day ahead of us. I went to my best friend’s birthday party and never showed up because I was too tired. I ate cereal instead before passing out face first onto a bed with a black cat on it. I awoke and had more cereal.

- January 4, 1999
- Failed Pacific Northwest Tour
- Your Mother, Suburban Vermin, Alliance in Defiance
- House of Rock, Boise, ID
- Read about this failed tour.

- January 3, 1999
- Failed Pacific Northwest Tour
- Your Mother, Rank Review, The Knifers
- House show at 291 Van Buren St, Twin Falls, ID
- Read about this failed tour.
- November 29, 1998
- Kim and Dean’s Wedding
- Your Mother, Apeface, Ringwurm, Reina Aveja
- Joe’s House, San Jose, CA
- Whoa: the best way to describe the event is “non-traditional.” Ringwurm (featuring Joe) played (good, I might add). Then some band with Joe played 4 songs. While we set up to play Alan brought out the tuba and, rather than playing the wedding march, he played the Death March from Star Wars as the bride and groom were carted into the arena and shackled to the ceiling. The crowd was a madhouse and before the ceremony was over I swear I was at a GWAR show. I got rice stuck in my hair and shoes, ketchup all over my boy scout uniform, and I was forced to tongue-kiss Dean as he was too drunk to notice that I was not his new bride. We played (with Joe) then Reina Aveja played. They were so damn good that they were not permitted to leave the corner of the room in which they were playing until after their second encore. They even had Joe come up and sing a song! Go Joe! Joe was even lucky enough to stick around to clean up! Alan’s amendment: “I read your synopsis of the wedding, and I think you left out one important part. I had already left by this time (maybe you had too) but when Apeface was playing Robert decided that it was imperative to throw the carcass of a turkey into the pit! He felt really bad afterwards and apologized to Joe, but he kept saying, ‘they deserved it, they deserved it!’ ”

- November 13, 1998
- First show at the once Punks With Presses, now Circa Now Warehouse
- Your Mother, Rosemary’s Billygoat, Bobby Joe Ebola, Eric-Core
- Circa Now, 41st & Linden, Oakland, CA
- Geez: I didn’t even know about this show until the night before because it’s confirmation among this band’s members was buried in one of the 100+ emails we toss around to each other each week (I am NOT exaggerating). Luckily, my original plans got cancelled and I, first regarded as unable to attend, was actually the first to arrive. Mikey showed up some few minutes later. Eric-Core played then Bobby Joe played their last show as a two-piece (supposedly they will be a full band next time…) Then a band played that was to earn a prestigious place in my list of Top 5 All-Time Greatest Live Acts, among such staples as the Muscle Bitches and Fat Day. Rosemary’s Billygoat (from LA) captivated me with their at-least-one-big-prop-per-song antics (including an electric chair, a large, flaming pentagram - with head harness! - a multitude of costumes, and many other totally ingenious props) and pure metal music. This is one of those bands that I can’t say enough about, but will go to great lengths to try. Ho geez, unbelievable. Then is was our turn. I was actually glad to hear that still only Mikey and I were the only ones to have shown up, because I was fearful of having to play after that. Eventually Alan and Joe showed up complaining of traffic and ambiguous directions, and Bradley called saying he was back at home, unwilling to spend another minute driving the streets of Oakland looking for a building he is now sure does not exist. We never played so I went to Gilman to listen to Melt Banana from outside because I spent the last of my money of a Rosemary’s Billygoat CD.
- Sometime in the Fall of 1998
- Your Mother
- Some backyard in Morgan Hill, CA
- The most memorable thing about this show (besides Justin from Boise driving all the way from Boise to see the show “because he was bored”) was us getting stuck in traffic on the way home and trying to create a spectacle on the highway. I think we had races were some of us ran alongside the van (on the highway) while the van tried getting ahead. So yeah, pretty cool show.

- October 24, 1998
- We can only hope the other bands make up for our predictably poor performance
- Wet Nap, Your Mother, Soda Pop Fuck You, Critical Mass, Wonder Years, Ten Times Fast
- 924 Gilman St, Berkeley, CA
- Yeah: Expecting a less than average (which is pretty low!) performance on our part, we were apparently “pretty good,” says people we don’t know. Mikey’s secret identity assured us the second slot so he could scoot off to CENSORED so everyone took off to follow him, leaving me to catch Critical Mass, an awesome ska band who were, believe it or not, an actual ska band! None of this Skankin’ Pickle meets Op Ivy meets NOFX stuff. It was more like the Specials meets very old Fishbone. Very good. I got free bagels. I can’t believe how boring these have gotten!

- October 16, 1998
- Zapatista Benefit
- P.O.P.S., Your Mother, Firme, Betty’s Love Child, Caraduras, Los Stubs
- Works Gallery, San Jose, CA
- Word: I was sick, my back was going through one of it’s “up yours!” phases, and I had to work at 8 this morning, so I was not in the best of moods for playing this show last night, but I was under the impression we were playing ~8 or 9, leaving me plenty of time to pack up, get home, and cry myself to sleep. Due to who knows what, we didn’t play until around midnight, 2 full naps after I got there. We played and I practiced my Spanish, in honor of all the Spanish-speakers there (remember what the benefit was for): “Nosotros estamos Su Madre! Yo soy muy infermo, pero como mi propio mierda, si gato grande!” (“We are Your Mother. I am sick, but I eat my own crap, so big cat!”) No one noticed or seemed to care. We played 2 songs, my guitar broke and we played 2 more before something caused us so stop. I was oblivious to this, but apparently one of our “fans” began Sieg Hiel-ling us. This naturally upset some of us (not me, because I had no idea this was going on - long hair and a sweaty forehead can do that). Confrontations began and before I knew it our set was done. By the time I got all our stuff packed away I went to say good-bye to everyone and noticed a loud argument going on between said “fan” and Joe, the New Guy. That was when I was filled in on the proceedings. I still don’t know what the guys motivations were, and I don’t know if he even made it out of there alive (remember all them Spanish-speakers? from what I gathered, they weren't all that happy with the guys’ actions), but I went home to dream about how shitty of a work day I had ahead of me. If you know more of what happened, and want to enlighten me on what was up with this guy, lemme know. Something about racism always gets me down.
- October 3, 1998
- Mic Mucus’ b-day blast
- Your Mother, and probably other great bands (hopefully the Feces Munchers!)
- Mic’s House, Davis, CA
- The Scoop: Mic has a tendency to befriend everybody, so I was not the least bit surprised to see a good collection of homeless folks there. They were wildly entertaining, much more so than we were. For the record: our friends in Davis RULE. I got rug burn on my forehead and I think Alan and Mikey ruined their golf suits. Lots of stories involving the infamous "midget cop" floated around, providing us all something to bond over. I also went to put the box to a case of beer on my head but in my haste, I didn’t realize it still had two full cans in it. So, to match my rug burn, I also have two bumps on my head. Joe washed his hair. This is boring.
- September 28, 1998
- Atom & His Package are a sight to see
- Your Mother, Atom & His Package
- Radio Free Records, San Jose, CA
- Happenin': Any further conception of us being a “geek” or “nerd” band is no longer possible. With bands like Fat Day, and now Atom (& His Package), we are nothing more than a dumb, boring, old punk band. Nerds we may be, but dork-rock we are no longer. We can’t possibly match the supreme idiocy and dopeyness of these bands we've been playing with lately. Just amazing. We got some work to do… To update the now-growing saga, my recently declared Ex showed up so I did the punkest thing any band has ever done in San Jose, I sang her a love song. No distortion, no jumping around like a spaz, just pure, unbridled sap. We got to talking and eventually ended up at some 24-hour restaurant till 2am. Then she got home and called me and we kept talking till 5am. I don’t know what do make of it, but I felt better afterwards. The upswing to all of this? I sense a shitload of new YM songs coming…
- September 19, 1998
- Lil’ Seth’s Birthday
- Your Mother (without Joe)
- Lil' Seth’s House, Castro Valley, CA
- The scoop: Embracing Mikey’s heritage, we played in the heart of Castro Valley, a city known for it’s surplus of meth labs, it’s abundant production of metal bands throughout the 80’s (Vio-lence, Death Angel…), and for generally housing some of northern California’s most Mikey-esque types. (anyone who knows Mikey knows what I’m talking about.) we played in a backyard next to a large patch of wild vegetation, later dubbed Mosh Gardens. We were physically forced to play "music to mosh to" and all of our lyrics followed accordingly. I am still amazed at how many words I rhymed with “pit” and “mosh.” a couple of our more homoerotic numbers were thrown in to balance it out and we somehow escaped alive. in fact, our tender rendition of "Worse things" complete with my nuts hanging out, actually prevented a fight which had until then reached the butt-heads stage. I mean they were actually butting heads like rams. later, when I got home, I got a message from my girlfriend. I called her and 4 hours later we were broken up. I felt (and still feel) like utter ca-ca, and to make matters worse, I went to unzip my pants to pee and caught the tip of my weiner in the zipper. I somehow fell asleep but was awoken at 8 am by my roommate who was playing that 38 Special song that goes "I’m so caught up in you, little girl…" things really suck sometimes, ya know…

- August 30, 1998
- Excuse to sweat a lot
- Artimus Pyle, Fat Day, Your Mother, Geri Live, Better Than Your Hand
- Mission Records, San Francisco, CA
- Oh, man… you missed, easily, the nerdiest band ever to exist. A small amount of words (which is all I can use on this page) could never describe Fat Day. All Harvard grads (one just passed the bar before they left on tour), all in matching gym outfits, all on musical trampolines…geez, I don’t know where to begin. Trust me, a band like you've never seen. It was said that they made us look like Biohazard. I, personally, thought we did lousy, due to all the “technical” problems, but someone asked where we got all our energy. It was then I realized that a bulk of our energy is derived from frustration brought on by other band member’s failure to “get with the program.” Alan broke two basses (neither of them his) and Mikey kept feeling the need to tune. Who tunes? And that just leads to a build up of energy, albeit negative energy, but energy all the same. There, question answered. All that really matters, though, is that you do all you can to see a Fat Day show. It is personally guaranteed and endorsed by each and every Your Mother member.
- July 18, 1998
- A BBQ of some sort
- Your Mother, Fun People
- Livermore Teen Center, Livermore, CA
- Heated activities included: After considerable tension arose between Steve from Adjective Noun and the entire hardcore community we emitted Rock in an effort to further stimulate the bad vibes. By the time we were done, though, most (but not all) were smiling and decidedly non-confrontational. Acting like a complete moron in the face of animosity can do that, I guess. Upon completion of our rather mediocre set, where “South Of Heaven” was plundered through, Paul Bostaph (the drummer of Slayer) came up to Bradley and said something along the lines of us being “entertaining” and “fun.” “Man, he was so nice,” Bradley said later with a lingering sense of stun. Rather reminiscent of Jason Newsted of Metallica putting our Pasture of Muppets sticker on his bass: small form of flattery from the least recognized members of most recognized bands. Good to know they have a sense of humor, and more importantly, don’t want to beat us up. Fun People, by the way, were (and still are) just AWESOME.
- July 17, 1998
- Celebrating the return of Fun People
- Your Mother, Fun People
- Camden Youth Center, San Jose, CA
- In a nut-sac-shell: The day of the show, Jeanine (the promoter who was lead to think she could start the show at 7 and have her 6 bands be done by midnight) found out earlier that day 1) the hall was double-booked, adding 3 more bands to the bill, 2) there was an AA meeting there until 8, and 3) the show had to be done by 10:45. that’s 9 bands in 2 hours and 45 minutes. Things went rather frantically but both Fun People and us still got to play through a PA the size of a dinner plate. They still Rocked. They even got paid.
- July 3, 1998
- Pajama Party
- Your Mother, Rank Review (ID), Gob, Operation Cliff Clavin (IN), Bobby Joe & the Children MacNuggits
- 924 Gilman St, Berkeley, CA
- How it went: All I really remember is Alex showing up in a full sorcerer’s ensemble shortly before he disappeared and came back as a 6-foot tall/4-foot wide Pac-Man. This was also before he went on about freebasing Bisquik and waking up inside his bed which, he was surprised to note, contained not boxsprings, but the illusive concoction known as Lymon. Oh, and at some point BonneVicci was apprehended and removed from the premises by a team of crackpot squash-bucklers with an obvious death wish. We pulled together a chorus using Whitney Houston’s all-powerful "Greatest Love of All" to which BonneVicci made his escape from his heathen captors and returned unscathed.
- Watch part 1 on YouTube and Watch part 2 on YouTube
- July 2, 1998
- Show for the Boise band
- Your Mother, Vox Pop, Rank Review (ID), Punching Judy
- Magoo’s Pizza, Livermore, CA
- Pre-show Note: just so you know, it is well-documented that we suck HARD 4 out of every 5 times we play in Livermore. Post-show note: For whatever reasons the show started late and we only had to play for about 15 minutes, thus severely limiting our possible "suck time." It was noted by audience members that never before had our playing/talking ratio been so in favor of the playing side. In fact, I think nary a word was said between songs, less Alan’s feeble attempt to gain acceptance of his incredibly dorky new shoes. Those ‘Ho’s (as in “IdaHO”) sure can jump. And it’s too bad Vox Pop feels the urge to go away to school, because they’re getting really good…
- June 28, 1998
- we’re practicing
- Your Mother
- Notes for practice: Unless you’re in the band, you’re not invited. this practice is called in honor of our lack of schtick. Gilman is the following weekend and, in an effort to come across as at “not totally, completely boring and/or old hat”, it may be to our benefit to practice. I know the likelihood of this is slim, very slim, but it would still be a good idea. so far we are only at 1 practice this year and it’s half over. let’s beat our old yearly records and maybe make this year special! c’mon guys, 2 practices! I know we can do it! After Practice Notes: Not too bad. We came up with some new songs (all covers, of course) and delighted in stories involving socks, duct tape, and the theme to the Lite Brite commercial.
- June 26, 1998
- Your Mother, N.M.E., The Miscreants, The B-sides, PigZenspace
- The Out House behind Los Gatos High School, Los Gatos, CA
- June 6, 1998
- I hate smoking…
- Your Mother, Nothing Cool, Nuclear Rabbit
- 533 Madison, Fairfield, CA
- How it went: Sensing mid-set failure the clothes were shed and bad covers were hauled out. But not only were the Fairfielder’s imperviousness to our shenanigans but the smell of our dirty cocks drove most of them away. They had goats in their backyard so our regular motto of "don’t Fuck With The Ghost!" was altered to accommodate our new four-legged friends. "don’t Fuck With The Goats!" we exclaimed! Nobody cared. So it goes…
- May 19, 1998
- Rocket Queens, Subincision, Your Mother
- Boomerang, San Francisco, CA

- May 15, 1998
- Benefit for local women’s organizations
- Your Mother, Third Sex, Cathy Ames, Luckie Strike, N.M.E.
- Spartan Village Community Center, San Jose, CA
- What Happened: Mikey drove out there first only to find out it was canceled (probably due to Seinfeld). When Alan went to call Bradley and me to tell us before we drove all the way down to San Jose, Mikey tried tackling him to the ground in an effort to stop him, so we would also drive for naught. Hey, what are friend’s for?
- May 14, 1998
- Cathy Ames, Luckie Strike, N.M.E., The Third Sex, Your Mother
- Spartan Village Community Center, San Jose, CA

- May 10, 1998
- Geek Fest – Geeks in Revolution
- Your Mother, Bobby Joe Ebola, Astrolloyd, Aquamen, Feces Munchers (Mic Mucus' new band), many others
- Point Molate, Richmond, CA
- What you missed: Everyone showed up at Pt Molarte and, for the first time in the two years Geek Fests have been happening there, The Man came and shut it down. After much deliberation, the show was moved to Mo’s house. We set up and proceeded to make most everyone sorry they went through the effort of having us play. Mikey is pretty close to making Alan and Alan’s equipment look good because half of our last two shows have been Mikey trying to fix whatever (borrowed) equipment he has just broken. But, it was his b-day, so we got to take out a small portion of our frustrations by giving him his b-day spankings.
- May 8, 1998
- Josh’s birthday
- Your Mother, Bettys Love Child, The Curbs, Pigzenspace, The Sand Dunes, Curbside
- Odd Fellows Hall, San Jose, CA
- What happened: It was Josh’s b-day celebration and he cut us short before we even got to play “Happy Birthday” for him. I would have cut us off too, if I were him. Mikey spent most of his time blaming his utter failure to play the guitar on the guitar itself (like skaters do to their boards when they bail), and our already meager performance suffered. Mikey did, however, seem to take the attention off his lack of guitar skills for a moment when, in a moment of fury, he pulled his shorts down and did a Hulk Hogan-style removal of his boxers.

- April 26, 1998
- Benefit for Llamas for Liposuction
- Naked Aggression, The Hellbillys, Your Mother, Subincision, Nuclear Rabbit, Nothing Cool, Chemical Imbalance, Silence Broken, B-Sides
- Club Cocodrie, San Francisco, CA
- Synopsis: Our main reason for playing this show was because “Why would a crusty crowd like us?” Our main objective was to humiliate ourselves (like usual) but to also annoy some dirty patch-punks and hawk-rockers in the process. Then we got there and found out the guitar player from Naked Aggression died the night before. So much for our “making fun of Naked Aggression” schtick.

- April 25, 1998
- Sports night
- Your Mother, Krupted Peasant Farmerz, Useless ID, Erik Core, Gut Monkeys
- 924 Gilman St, Berkeley, CA
- Synopsis: Useless ID were excellent, obviously a sign of being on tour for a while, while we were mediocre, which is actually above par for us lately. It was “Sports Night” and uniforms were donned shortly before our uniforms “slipped” off.

- March 21, 1998
- Evaporators, Hi-Fives, Primadonnas, Your Mother, Bobby Joe Ebola & The Children MacNuggets, Astrolloyd, The Secretions, Beat Box. Short Handed
- The Wehrhaus, Benicia, CA
- March 20, 1998
- Anal Mucus, Bean Fight, Loose Change, The Fuzzy, Your Mother
- Dania Hall, Livermore (or maybe Modesto), CA

- January 31, 1998
- Creeping Death, Iron Vegan, Hot Licks Houlihan, Motley Jews
- 924 Gilman St, Berkeley, CA
- Gilman asked Your Mother to play this “Metal Night” with other Gilman bands. Each was to pick a metal band to cover and we naturally chose GnR’s Appetite album. Alan was replaced by Sean (who suggested we try out his drummer, Bradley, some six year previous), and Joe was replaced by Vixx, bass player for Mindslam. And thus was born the Rocket Queens (only we were billed as “Hot Licks Houlihan” which sounds vaguely familiar for some reason…)

- January 24, 1998
- All-Ages show
- Your Mother, Royal Grand Prix, Betty’s Love Child, Emo Summer
- Joe’s House, San Jose, CA
- Wheu: Emo Summer is Alan and his friends being emo. There was a lot of crying, backpack wearing, zine distributing, $1.50 t-shirts, and, of course, emo. They were awesome. Really. For as much of a joke as they were, they were really quite good. BLC are forging headlong into Jawbreaker territory with a small emphasis on Iron Maiden. We were “(shrug your shoulders)”. RGP were Canadian Rock, and I do mean Rock. They are on Wrong Records (as in John Wright, as in NOMEANSNO) so they had a lot to live up to, and they came through for sure. Besides the choreographed dance moves for most all the songs, they introduced numbers like “I’ve never been too drunk to fuck, but I’ve been too drunk to fucking cook!”
- January 23, 1998
- Bobby Joe Ebola And The Children MacNuggets, Captured By Robots, Los Rabbis, Shoegazer, Your Mother
- Ebola’s New House on Smith Ave, Pinole, CA
- January 23, 1998
- Cancelled
- Phantom Surfers, Your Mother, Captured by Robots, Los Rabbis, Bobby Joe Ebola And The Children MacNuggets
- Circa Here, Oakland, CA

- January 23, 1998
- The “Beach Show”
- Your Mother, Nuclear Rabbit, 976
- 924 Gilman St, Berkeley, CA
- Watch the video on YouTube
- January 17, 1998
- Australia / New Zealand Tour
- Your Mother, Diswomble, Kitsch
- Black Lagoon, College Hill, Auckland, NZ
- Read the tour diary
- January 16, 1998
- Australia / New Zealand Tour
- Your Mother, Motorsheep, Master Cheese Maker
- The Stomach, Palmerston North, NZ
- Read the tour diary

- January 15, 1998
- Australia / New Zealand Tour
- Your Mother, Diecast, Fatal Error
- Thistle Hall, Wellington, NZ
- It was pretty exciting to see our picture on the front page of the Wellington paper, especially after seeing how they lead the article. Read the tour diary
- January 14, 1998
- Australia / New Zealand Tour
- Your Mother, Kovesh, Phantasmagora
- Masonic Hall, Masterton, NZ
- Read the tour diary
- January 13, 1998
- Australia / New Zealand Tour
- Your Mother
- State of It, Napier, NZ
- Read the tour diary

- January 12, 1998
- Australia / New Zealand Tour
- Your Mother, Witness
- Grey Lynn Community Centre, Auckland, NZ
- Read the tour diary
- January 11, 1998
- Australia / New Zealand Tour
- Your Mother
- Froggy’s, Gosford NSW, AU
- Read the tour diary

- January 10, 1998
- Australia / New Zealand Tour
- Sprung Monkey, Storytime, Your Mother, Playground of Hate
- Club Bizzo’s, Caringbah, NSW, AU
- Read the tour diary

- January 9, 1998
- Australia / New Zealand Tour
- Sprung Monkey, Your Mother, Story Time, Tubbh
- The Fitz Youth Centre, St Ives, Sydney, AU
- Read the tour diary
- January 8, 1998
- Australia / New Zealand Tour
- Sommerset, Crank, Your Mother
- Somewhere in AU
- Read the tour diary

- January 3, 1998
- Australia / New Zealand Tour
- Nancy Vandal, Your Mother, Sugar Kane, Skulker, Stitchface
- The Iron Duke, Sydney, AU
- Two shows: matinee and evening. Also the night we recorded our live record. Read the tour diary

- December 31, 1997
- Australia / New Zealand Tour
- Moler, Nancy Vandal, Your Mother, Myselph, Stickboy
- New Year’s Eve Willowfest, Mildura, Victoria, AU
- Read the tour diary
- December 20, 1997
- AKA-Nothing, Nowhere Fast, Supergirls, The B-Sides, Wisconsin Hardcore Experience, Your Mother
- Castro Valley Community Center, Castro Valley, CA

- November 29, 1997
- Subincision, Kirby Grips, Nothing Cool, Astrolloyd, Your Mother
- 924 Gilman St, Berkeley, CA

- November 15, 1997
- Your Mother, The Fuzz, Voxpop, Useless ID
- Magoo’s Pizza, Livermore, CA
- The birth of the holiday celebrated the world over – International Porn Stay Nuts Day.
- November ?, 1997
- Second Harvest Food Bank Benefit
- Your Mother
- Some high school, San Jose, CA

- November 8, 1997
- Your Mother, Anal Mucus, Majestic Twelve, Missile Command
- The Teen Center (3rd & B), Davis, CA
- November 1, 1997
- Geek Fest Benefit Show
- Luckie Strike, Jane Doe 4, Shitloads Of Fuckall (Canada), The Dread, Nothing Cool, Your Mother, Bobby Joe Ebola And The Children MacNuggits, Soda Pop Fuck You, Astrolloyd, Sons of Atom, Little Tin Frog, M.A.C.K., Fatso, Los Rabbis
- Bomb Shelter, Oakland, CA
- October 31, 1997
- Missing Link, Mikey of Your Mother, Critical Mass, Roger Music, Jacob Ham
- 924 Gilman St, Berkeley, CA
- We double-booked so Mikey played by himself as Your Mother. He only played “Greg: Ex-Masturbator” over and over again, cycling through all the presets on his Casio keyboard. Still not in the bottom 10% of worst Your Mother shows.

- October 19, 1997
- BJE CD release show
- Bobby Joe Ebola and the Children McNuggets, Your Mother, Astrolloyd, Adjective Noun, Shove, Human Beans
- 1550 Mann Drive, Pinole, CA

- October 18, 1997
- Your Mother, 3 Out of 4, Mangina, Fatso, Rookie 13, Part of the Problem
- Zocalo Club, Chico, CA
- On the way home we got pulled over and the cops absolutely could not understand that none of us had been drinking. They had us empty the entire van assuming we must have been up to worse things than drinking. The one thing they did get right was that we were a no name band. After finding nothing incriminating they asked us, “So you really drove all the way from San Jose in this van just to play a concert in Chico?&rdsquo;

- October 7, 1997
- Your Mother, Happy Hour, Podad, Pussy Mansion, Crysis and more
- The Cactus Club, San Jose, CA
- What happened: How we suckered into playing the Cactus Club I do not know. This is the worst place to play in all of the South Bay. The tried to charge me 50 cents for a cup of water, and I was in the band that was about to play! What’s up with that?!?

- July 29, 1997
- Israeli Tour
- 99 1/2 Dalmatians, Useless ID, Your Mother
- Cream Club (Criem), Haifa, Israel
- Read the tour diary

- July 26, 1997
- Israeli Tour
- Useless ID, Your Mother
- Cream Club (Criem), Haifa, Israel
- Read the tour diary
- July 25, 1997
- Israeli Tour
- Useless ID, Your Mother
- Tel Aviv, Israel
- Read the tour diary

- July 24, 1997
- Israeli Tour
- Useless ID, Your Mother
- Left Bank, Israel
- Read the tour diary
- July 20, 1997
- Israeli Tour
- Your Mother
- Green Action, Israel
- Read the tour diary
- July 18, 1997
- Israeli Tour
- Your Mother
- A bomb shelter on a kibbutz a few miles form the Lebanese border, Israel
- Read the tour diary
- June ?, 1997
- Your Mother, Hickey
- 17th & Capp, San Francisco, CA

- June 14, 1997
- Your Mother, Catapult, Disgruntl
- Pabco Road desert, Las Vegas, NV
- This film is up on YouTube in multiple parts.

- June 13, 1997
- One Eye Open, Your Mother, Busrider, Herman and Largus
- Back Alley, Fullerton, CA
- How it went: OEO asked us to come down for their last show, how could we resist? We quickly learned that LA sucks balls. We haven’t been called “fags” and “queers” so much at any show anywhere. Of course, we were all wearing dresses, but that shouldn’t matter.

- June 7, 1997
- Siren, Wet-Nap, Alien Spy, Tilt Wheel, Your Mother
- 924 Gilman St, Berkeley, CA
- June 6, 1997
- Your Mother, Hickey, Betty’s Love Child
- Redwood City Community Center, Redwood City, CA

- May 24, 1997
- Insolence, ZBS, Dick, Your Mother
- Club Kaos, San Jose, CA
- What Happened: This club was so lame they had pink Cadillac INSIDE the club. We had heard there were gonna be a bunch of hair metal bands playing, so we said "sure, why not." We got there and it was Cactus Club metal bands instead, and Zero Bull Shit, who look really tough but are very sweet. The other night I took some photos of the guitar players ZBS tatoos, and he said "these better not end up on the internet or some shit." So as soon as I develop them, we'll make sure you can look at them just to spite him. haha! Craig booked the Israeli tour from a payphone outside this show.
- May 16, 1997
- Pigs In Space, Your Mother
- Ice Center ice skating rink at Vallco Mall, Cupertino, CA
- April 12, 1997
- Hickey, Your Mother, Beatbox
- Davis Teen Center, Davis, CA

- April 6, 1997
- Geek Fest – Monsters of Geek
- The Hi-Fives, Puzzlefish, Your Mother, Subincision, Erik Core, White Trash Debutants, Fetish, Aquamen, Fabulous Hedgehogs, Eggs Eronious, Slackbone, Bobby Joe Ebola And The Children MacNuggits, The Delta Jam
- Point Molate Beach, Richmond, CA
- April 5, 1997
- Your Mother, Bettys Love Child
- Mountain View Community Soup Kitchen, Mountain View, CA

- March 21, 1997
- Probe Records showcase
- Hickey, Better Than Your Hand, Your Mother, Human Beans
- 3238 17th St, San Francisco, CA
- February 16, 1997
- Your Mother, The Vectors, The Solvents, Human Beans
- Starcleaners, San Francisco, CA
- February 8, 1997
- Geek Fest 4
- The Criminals, Link 80, Adjective Noun, Lung BuTTer, Eye Claudia, Banana Hammock, Your Mother’s A Spatula, Infinite Rage, Fields Of Shit, Fah-Q, Art Of Murder
- Eagle’s Hall, El Cerrito, CA

- February 7, 1997
- Benefit Haight Ashbury Free Clinic
- Schlong, Your Mother, Wet-Nap, Useless I.D., Dogfather
- 924 Gilman St, Berkeley, CA

- February 2, 1997
- Bettie’s Love Child, Your Mother, Useless I.D.
- Pirate Cat Records, San Jose, CA
- A cool punk store right in downtown, with a big back room for having shows. Of course it closed down within 6 months.
- December 31, 1996
- New Year’s Eve 1996
- Your Mother, Useless ID
- House show, Cupertino, CA
- December 6, 1996
- Your Mother, Cockfield, Four Letter Word, Septic Tank
- Cuppa Jo, Modesto, CA
- In a history of bad shows this was one of the absolute worst. Joe and Alan showed up during our last song after driving almost 3 hours to get there from SJ. Craig had just gotten ahold of a VHS tape of an animated short called “A Spirit of Christmas” (later to be developed into South Park) that he was eager to show anyone he could. The promoter, Moe, offered watching it at his parent’s house in Tracy. What Moe didn’t tell Craig was that his parent’s were deeply religious, and what Craig didn’t tell Moe was that this video was deeply sacrilegious. Moe’s mom sprayed us with a squirt bottle as the video played, claiming it was holy water. By contrast, that experience made the show somehow way less awkward.
- October 26, 1996
- Your Mother, Fun People
- Backyard in Concord, CA

- October 25, 1996
- Your Mother, Fun People
- Ryland St, Reno, NV

- October 14, 1996
- Girls’ Soccer, Hickey, Your Mother
- The Teen Center (3rd & B), Davis, CA
- October 11, 1996
- Your Mother, Los Enfurnos, New Speedway Kings, Looney Kings, Riff Raff
- Blue Dolphin Studios, San Francisco, CA
- September 20, 1996
- Betty’s Love Child, Muckrakers, Ringwurm, Tabin, The Curbs, The Kindred, Your Mother
- Santa Teresa High School, San Jose, CA

- August 25, 1996
- Geek Fest – The Geek Strikes Back
- Schlong, Your Mother, Annulus, The Keeners, Bobby Joe Ebola & The Children MacNuggits, and many more
- Point Molate, Richmond, CA
- The day we truly met “our people” – the geeks of Geek Fest. They would tell the city they were holding “weddings” at this park and instead throw big all day showcases. This was the first one we played, but we had to leave early because some of us were going to the Weird Al concert that night and the others were going to Slayer, which pretty much sums up the band. Read about this in the junkmailer

- August 23, 1996
- US/Canada Tour
- The Adversives, Your Mother, Hellbender
- 507 15th St, Boise, ID
- We had spent the past week following Avail around the US attempting to jump on their shows. We took a break and went to Idaho to visit our pals the Adversives.
- Read about this tour in the junkmailer

- August 20, 1996
- US/Canada Tour
- Your Mother
- Fun Lovin' Productions, Appleton, WI
- The flyer says both “Monday” and “Wednesday” on it, but the show was on a Tuesday. Most counterproductive flier ever. Read about this tour in the junkmailer

- August 18, 1996
- US/Canada Tour
- Avail, Los Crudos, Your Mother, 309 Chorus
- Waukesha County Expo Center, Waukesha, WI
- Awesome show in a huge hall. Two bands that I love in one show! Read about this tour in the junkmailer
- August 17, 1996
- US/Canada Tour
- Your Mother
- Some bar, Olathe, KS
- Read about this tour in the junkmailer
- August 14, 1996
- US/Canada Tour
- Your Mother
- Some bar, Winnipeg, MB, Canada
- Read about this tour in the junkmailer
- August 13, 1996
- US/Canada Tour
- Your Mother, Choke
- I-Spy House, Winnipeg, MB, Canada
- Read about this tour in the junkmailer
- August 12, 1996
- US/Canada Tour
- Moral Panic, Your Mother, Choke
- Layaway Plan Basement, Regina, SK, Canada
- Read about this tour in the junkmailer
- August 11, 1996
- US/Canada Tour
- Moral Panic, Your Mother
- Somewhere, Lumsden, SK, Canada
- Read about this tour in the junkmailer

- August 10, 1996
- US/Canada Tour
- Muscle Bitches, Your Mother, Choke
- Rebar, Edmonton, AB, Canada
- Read about this tour in the junkmailer

- August 9, 1996
- US/Canada Tour
- Muscle Bitches, Forbidden Dimension, Your Mother
- Night Gallery, Calgary, AB, Canada
- Read about this tour in the junkmailer
- August 8, 1996
- US/Canada Tour
- Your Mother
- Nardwuar, the Human Serviette’s on CiTR Radio, Vancouver, BC, Canada
- Read about this tour in the junkmailer
- August 7, 1996
- US/Canada Tour
- Shifter, Your Mother
- Some bar, Tacoma, WA
- Read about this tour in the junkmailer

- August 6, 1996
- US/Canada Tour
- Muscle Bitches, Your Mother, Yankee Wuss, Big Gulp
- The O!, 2nd & W. Burnside, Portland, OR
- Read about this tour in the junkmailer

- August 5, 1996
- US/Canada Tour
- Your Mother, Big Comb, Nodge
- Ichabod’s, Spokane, WA
- Read about this tour in the junkmailer
- August 4, 1996
- US/Canada Tour
- Your Mother, The Automatics, Muscle Bitches
- Some bar, Portland, OR
- Insiders claim this to be the very best show Your Mother ever played. No one knows how or why. An audience member walked up to our Merch table and stole a cd. We saw him do it. We tracked him down and told him that if he was going to steal a CD he may as well steal one with a CD inside and not one that very clearly said DISPLAY MODEL on a blank CD round. He refused to take one and instead preferred to keep the CD-less DISPLAY MODEL. Read about this tour in the junkmailer
- August 3, 1996
- US/Canada Tour
- Your Mother
- House Party, Corvallis, OR
- Read about this tour in the junkmailer

- July 28, 1996
- DI, Electric Frankenstein, Damnation, Workin Stiffs, Your Mother, Sopa de Muertos
- Trocadero, San Francisco, CA
- We agreed to play this crappy club because the Muscle Bitches were coming down, and they cancelled. It was a fun show though, there was a HUGE rock and roll stage and we had a full costumed entourage with us. Casey Royer from DI decided he was in our band as well.
- July 26, 1996
- Groovie Ghoulies, Struggle Buggies, Your Mother, Wobblies, Elysium
- 924 Gilman St, Berkeley, CA

- July 25, 1996
- Monkey, Pirates of Funk, Happy Hour, Your Mother, Nobody’s Favorite, Wisper
- The Edge, Palo Alto, CA

- July 6, 1996
- Inquisition, Your Mother, Fury 66
- Insurrection Sound & Image, Reno, NV
- June 1, 1996
- Schlong, The Dread, Your Mother
- Somewhere in Woodland, CA

- May 25, 1996
- Your Mother, Betty’s Love Child, Falling Sickness
- Bassett Books, Livermore, CA

- May 18, 1996
- Skyscraper, Angry Samoans, Oppressed Logic, Your Mother
- The Teen Center (3rd & B), Davis, CA
- One of my favorite fliers. Also, putting phone numbers on flyers…is that a thing anymore? I hope not, because that only invited calls from people whom you didn’t want to call you.

- May 17, 1996
- Your Mother, Spy’s Like Us
- Knights of Columbus Hall, Cupertino, CA
- May 11, 1996
- Schlong, Your Mother
- Somewhere in Quincy, CA

- April 13, 1996
- Schlong, Hickey, Your Mother, Ringwurm, Rudiments
- Probe House (Pink Palace), San Leandro, CA
- April ?, 1996
- Your Mother, Girl’s Soccer
- Punk Roge’s house, Davis, CA
- April 6, 1996
- Woolly Mammoth, Your Mother, Girl’s Soccer, Welt
- Knights of Columbus, Cupertino, CA

- April 1, 1996
- Your Mother, Girls Soccer, Geni-Sore, 3 Musky Queers
- B Street Bistro, Hayward, CA
- The first of many April Fools show we “played” at the Bistro (to this day I’ve never stepped foot in this place). In our defense, the first couple were booked without our knowledge.

- March 18, 1996
- Your Mother, Loose Bearings, Geni-Sore
- The Bistro, Hayward, CA
- We did not play this show, not sure if the other bands did without us or not.

- March 9, 1996
- Fury 66, Your Mother, Betty’s Love Child, The Cavaties
- Knights of Columbus Hall, Cupertino, CA
- The Knights of Columbus Hall was a great hall that hosted a million great shows, like Los Crudos, Bikini Kill and Karp. It also had a bunch of bad shows, like this one.

- January 28, 1996
- Probe release party
- Mensclub, Hickey, Your Mother
- Chameleon, San Francisco, CA
- Your Mother -> HICKEY -> Mens Club could also be described as adolescent -> teenager -> adult.

- January 27, 1996
- Your Mother, Fuckface, The Pedestrians
- Cheezer’s Pizza, Davis, CA
- Cheezer’s was a fun place for shows in Davis, they were always free and the bands got paid in pizza.

- January 15, 1996
- Wynona Riders, Hickey, Your Mother
- Los Gatos Teen Center, Los Gatos, CA
- The cops showed up after Your Mother played and none of the other bands got a chance. Bummer.

- January 8, 1996
- Your Mother, Girls Soccer, Wolly Mammoth, Loose Bearings, Geni-Sore
- The Bistro, Hayward, CA
- We did not play this show, not sure if the other bands did without us or not.

- 1996
- This is one way you tried to book overseas tours in the mid-90’s, via fax and untruths like “The drummer, Brad, is Swedish.”
- December 31, 1995
- Your Mother
- Paul’s living room, San Jose, CA
- Mikey and Joe were off touring with Ringwurm, so we were a three piece.

- October 14, 1995
- Rage Fest
- Your Mother, Moe Staiano, Human, Deities and more
- Pleasanton Middle School, Pleasanton, CA
- This was a "Rage" festival that only middle school kids could attend. We were part of the Battle of the Bands competition, which miraculously we lost.

- October 6, 1995
- Hi-Fives, The Smugglers (Canada), Boy’s Life (MO), Your Mother, The Need
- 924 Gilman St, Berkeley, CA

- September 30, 1995
- Mick Mucus’ Birthday
- Schlong, Your Mother, Girl’s Soccer, Free For All
- Cheezer’s Pizza, Davis, CA

- September 24, 1995
- Monsters of Kock
- Disturbing the Peace, Far Flung, 40% Saline Solution, Accustomed to Nothing, Fuckface, The Other, Squat, The Lonely Kings, All You Can Eat, Clee, Crutch, The Knockoffs, Your Mother, Girl’s Soccer, Preston’s Room
- Nightbreak, San Francisco, CA
- Fast Mike was a fixture in the SF underground scene. He looked like a Ramone and had the energy befitting only someone with the name Fast Mike. I distinctly remember this show being the end of my relationship with Alan’s wife (FKA my girlfriend). Your Mother played around 2 in the afternoon and All You Can Eat didn’t play until around midnight, and the hours between were a steadily escalating period of agony and discomfort. But hey – lots of good bands on this one!

- September 23, 1995
- Jenny Piccolo, Your Mother, Mickey & The Big Mouths
- Probe House (Pink Palace), San Leandro, CA
- September 17, 1995
- Your Mother, Mindslam
- Mindslam House, Palo Alto, CA
- There was this guy who had naked legs tattooed on the inside of his arms and he repeatedly wanted me to lick his armpit.
- September ?, 1995
- Secretiions, Your Mother
- Sykotic Jenn’s living room, Sacramento, CA

- September 15, 1995
- The Torpedos, Your Mother, Electro Betty, The Soviets, Acoustic Rat Boy
- Cupertino Library, Cupertino, CA
- September 9, 1995
- Hellbillies, Jacob Ham, Your Mother
- 924 Gilman St, Berkeley, CA
- August 5, 1995
- Girl’s Soccer, Your Mother, Free For All, and F.C.
- Davis Skatepark, Davis, CA

- July 30, 1995
- Ringwurm, Skidfish, Magpie, Your Mother
- 383 S. 11th St, San Jose, CA

- July 29, 1995
- Your Mother, Ringwurm, Ape Face, Jenny Piccolo, Loaded
- Knights of Columbus Hall, Cupertino, CA
- Overheard outside the venue… “This is a pretty amazing line-up” “Yeah, except your Mother.”
- July 9, 1995
- Betty’s Lovechild, Shifter (WA), Alternative Sections, Your Mother
- 383 South 11th St., San Jose, CA
- June 30, 1995
- PNW Tour with Mindslam
- Your Mother, Mindslam
- Somewhere, Chico, CA
- Read about this tour in the junkmailer
- June 29, 1995
- PNW Tour with Mindslam
- Your Mother, Mindslam, Scared of Chaka
- Monkeyhouse, Eugene, OR
- Read about this tour in the junkmailer
- June 28, 1995
- PNW Tour with Mindslam
- Your Mother, Mindslam
- Some bar, Portland, OR
- Read about this tour in the junkmailer

- June 25, 1995
- The Stains, Your Mother, Mindslam, Shifter
- Java Jump, Fife, WA
- Intentionally vague flier promoting the after party which was the same show, elsewhere, and for free.Read about this tour in the junkmailer
- June 24, 1995
- PNW Tour with Mindslam
- Your Mother, Mindslam
- Some bar, Seattle, WA
- Read about this tour in the junkmailer
- June 23, 1995
- PNW Tour with Mindslam
- Your Mother, Mindslam, Teenage Graceland
- Plant World, Spokane, WA
- Read about this tour in the junkmailer
- June 21, 1995
- PNW Tour with Mindslam
- Your Mother, Mindslam
- Boise, ID
- Read about this tour in the junkmailer
- July 1, 1995
- Your Mother
- Somewhere in San Jose, CA
- All I remember is realizing that Your Mother playing repeatedly for a few nights in a row actually made us a better band. Who knew? I would later learn that Your Mother playing beyond a certain number of nights in a row resulted in diminishing returns.

- June 20, 1995
- Your Mother, Mindslam
- The Safari Club, Salt Lake City, UT
- Your Mother had to cancel due to reasons you should read about this tour in the junkmailer.

- June 9, 1995
- Girl’s Soccer, Your Mother, Beef with Society
- Cheezer’s Pizza, Davis, CA
- Our first of a gazillion shows in Davis, and with Girl’s Soccer.

- May 29, 1995
- Your Mother, Ringwurm, and more
- Probe House (Pink Palace), San Leandro, CA
- April 14, 1995
- Siren, Invalids, Your Mother
- Cupertino Library, Cupertino, CA

- April 1, 1995
- The Adverisives, Your Mother
- Matt’s House, Livermore, CA
- A last minute show set up for our Idahoan friends. Matt freaked out the whole time because he thought his parents might come home from work at any minute.
- January 28, 1995
- Your Mother
- 924 Gilman St, Berkeley, CA
- October 14, 1994
- “One Big Inside Joke” album cover show
- Your Mother
- Blackford Elementary School, San Jose, CA
- October 13, 1994
- Your Mother
- SJSU dorm, San Jose, CA

- July 22, 1994
- Your Mother, Stag, Lemming, Idiot Bitch, Burl
- Cupertino Library, Cupertino, CA
- Joe was in two of the bands that were playing, but I don’t think we knew him at the time. Weird, huh?
- July 15, 1994
- Malignus Youth, The Pist (CT), Brutally Familiar, Your Mother
- 924 Gilman St, Berkeley, CA
- Unfortunately for everyone, Malignus Youth canceled and Your Mother did not.

- July 9, 1994
- Smoking Popes, Paddlefoot, Mindslam, Your Mother, Blue Divines
- Casa Zimbabwe, Berkeley, CA
- Casa Zimbabwe was one of the co-op dorms for UC Berkeley. Next door was the other co-op dorm, Cloyne. Since the 60’s they have traded off being the resident drug manufacturer. While one spent the year hosting college-parties-only-seen-in-movies and building enormous half pipes and having bands play the other co-op was busy making all the drugs. And once they got busted the co-ops would take a year and switch roles.

- May 28, 1994
- Foreskin 500, Your Mother, Psyop
- The Crazy Horse, Boise, ID
- The cementing of a very special connection between all of us and the close friends made in Boise that remain to this day, 25+ years later.

- May 25, 1994
- Doc Hopper, Tunstin Gat, Your Mother, Angel Hair
- Fallout, Reno, NV
- The start of our 2nd tour. 1st tour = one show, 2nd tour = two shows (Reno and Boise). Notably, Boise became Your Mother’s favorite place in the world to play, and Reno later became The Love Song’s favorite place to play.

- May 21, 1994
- Karen, Lisa, and Skuzs’ Birthday Party
- AFI, Screw 32, Swingin’ Utters, Hickey, Your Mother, All You Can Eat
- Pill Hill Zoo House, Oakland, CA
- This may be one of the earlier times where HICKEY really alienated themselves from what was cool. I recall Aesop and Matty talking shit to the AFI and Screw 32 guys for taking the PA away while we were setting up. It started to get heated and possibly violent and then Chubby stepped in and evil-eyed everyone like he was our bodyguard, and the show went on (but without a PA). But from then on HICKEY were known for going out of their way to take cool kids down a notch.
- May 15, 1994
- Your Mother, KRP, Lemming, Fifteen, Stag, Annulus, Anal Mucus, The Aborted, IMADMAN, Mindslam, Second Opinion, The Dread, Nothing Yet, Disgrunted Postal Workers, Sacaren Rat, Second Opinion Stag, KRP
- Lakeport, CA
- We got asked to come back and play a second time, we couldn’t, so Alan assembled a Devo cover band with two teenagers who had never heard of Devo and we played. Halfway through the first song the drummer fell over backwards and then we just stopped.
- April 23, 1994
- God’s Gut’s, Volume Dealers, Garlic Boys, Trenchmouth, Your Mother
- 924 Gilman St, Berkeley, CA
- This show (and flyer) would later get brought up in Nardwuar’s interview with Fred Armisen.

- April 21, 1994
- Your Mother
- Allen Hall SJSU, San Jose, CA
- The second show in our attempt to tour the entire dorm complex on the SJSU campus.
- Sometime in the Spring of 1994
- Your Mother
- Livermore High School quad, Livermore, CA
- Another show on the quad at Livermore High School, only this time Alan was already graduated, making us creepy in addition to our normal “weird.”
- March 26, 1994
- Schleprock, Good Riddance, Los Huevos, Your Mother
- Pepperoni’s Pizza, Stockton, CA

- March 11, 1994
- Schlong, Anal Mucus, Nuclear Armed Hogs, Your Mother, Crutch
- Haps Backroom, Pleasanton, CA
- Probably a high watermark for Your Mother – playing with our favorite bands in our home town, and all of our friends who’d normally never come see us all showed up. Plus each band got paid $400.

- February 25, 1994
- Schlong, Seapigs, Wrong Way Right, Guano, Your Mother
- Centro Social Mexicano (CSM), Stockton, CA

- January 29, 1994
- Second Coming, Your Mother, Scrotal Earring
- Hap’s Back Room, Pleasanton, CA
- Aaron started booking 21+ punk shows at this bar, and after a while the owners let him use the back banquet hall for all ages shows. This was one of them! Your Mother and Scrotal Earring played a tag team set, which reminded us that we probably shouldn't play tag team sets.
- January 28, 1994
- Voo Doo Glowskulls, Big Steamy, Enclave, Your Mother, Wooly Mammoth
- 924 Gilman St, Berkeley, CA

- December 13, 1993
- Into Another, Up to Here, Reach Out, Soul Fire, Your Mother
- 924 Gilman St, Berkeley, CA
- Classic example of Craig vs Alan flyer creation. Pink one is done by Alan, the blue one is by Craig. Craig seemed to like to put Your Mother really big at the tops of flyers, Alan liked to list all the bands in order and make it completely impossible to read.
- Sometime in the Winter of 1993
- Avail, Stag, Your Mother, Mohinder
- Paul’s living room, San Jose, CA
- Avail showed up in a van with vanity plates reading VANARCHY.
- August 28, 1993
- Your Mother, Ted 302, Catalyst, Ledge
- Oak Hill Park, Danville, CA
- August 16, 1993
- Your Mother
- Angel’s Camp, CA
- Our first “tour”. We took a pickup truck and a station wagon to some remote clearing in the woods near Angels Camp to play for a bunch of…uh, bad element. Highlights include Alan’s station wagon catching fire, us getting pelted with mud and having to take apart the electronics in our guitars to make them work again, and Mikey falling face first into an open fire.
- June 7, 1993
- Your Mother
- Unknown, CA
- June 6, 1993
- Mikey’s first show – neon Ibanez guitar stolen
- Your Mother, Malengine
- Mountain Mike’s Pizza, Pleasanton, CA
- A dood who knew another dood found out a guy named Craig had a band and asked if that band would play this other dood’s birthday at a pizza joint in Pleasanton. Not one to turn down any show for any reason we agreed, despite Mikey having only practiced with us once since we met him. I don’t remember if we played well or not (it is safe to say…probably “not”), but I do remember the headliners being a speed metal band whose singer said “We must be doing something right” when a big fight broke out during their set. I also remember my neon green Ibanez guitar was stolen (the first of many items stolen from Your Mother over the years).
- April 23, 1993
- Jared’s last show, also Alan’s birthday
- Your Mother, Lurch
- Paul’s Mom’s living room, Camino Brazos, Pleasanton, CA
- This is the night Aaron Muentz first saw us play - a scrappy punk band from the same small town in which he ran a fanzine featuring punk rock and naked pictures. He said he didn’t remember if we were any good but that he was very impressed with how we barreled through every obstacle we hit - broken drums, broken amps, broken PA, broken guitar - and kept playing as if nothing was wrong.

- April 22, 1993
- Earth Day
- The Mighty Mighty Bosstones, Los Rudiments, Your Mother
- The Stone, San Francisco, CA
- The show was on Earth Day, so we brought huge trash bags full of lawn clippings and threw them all over the crowd. We started out throwing stickers, so when we brought out the bags everyone thought they were getting something awesome. They did. As soon as we were finished, the bouncers handed us brooms and said “You and your friends will clean this mess up NOW.”
- April 20, 1993
- Your Mother, Chumpslap
- Island Festival at Holy Names College, Oakland, CA
- April 17, 1993
- Your Mother
- Danville Vet’s Hall, Danville, CA
- April 16, 1993
- Your Mother
- Battle of the bands event, Oakland, CA
- April 8, 1993
- Your Mother
- The Quad at Amador Valley High School, Pleasanton, CA

- April 2, 1993
- Mindslam, Twine, Your Mother, Navio Forge, Nuisance
- 924 Gilman St, Berkeley, CA
- March 20, 1993
- Your Mother
- House show, Livermore, CA

- March 19, 1993
- Your Mother, Skeptism, Deities
- Livermore High School Student Union, Livermore, CA
- Later moved to Stoneridge Business Park Pavillion, Pleasanton, CA
- Sponsored by the Future Business Leaders of America for some odd reason. The school administration was fine with the show happening, until 300-400 metal heads descended upon the campus at 7pm. At the last minute the show was cancelled, and the metal heads were pissed. Cars were overturned, trash cans were thrown, and lots of moshing without music ensued. Craig somehow calmed things down by passing out free candy, something no metal head can resist. High on sticking it to the man, we lead a caravan to a serene lakeside slab near the Stoneridge Mall where we played without a PA until the cops showed up.

- March 14, 1993
- Schlong, Anal Mucus, Plaid Retina, Your Mother
- Your Place Too, Oakland, CA
- A dream show for us, 3 bands we all loved.

- January 31, 1993
- “Pasture of Muppets” release show
- Your Mother
- Your Place Too, Oakland, CA
- I forget what other bands played that night. Your Place Too was a dirty, dingy all ages bar in the crappiest part of Oakland. For some reason they had great shows though!

- December 5, 1992
- Your Mother
- 924 Gilman St, Berkeley, CA
- October 29, 1992
- Your Mother
- Band Room at Livermore High School, Livermore, CA
- “Alan was in rare, spastic form” Craig wrote in his journal after the show. Hahaha… “rare.”

- October 7, 1992
- First show with Bradley
- Hell Billys, Your Mother
- Your Place Too, Oakland, CA
- Either we didn’t play this show, it was canceled, or no one has the slightest memory of it. Either way, we played here exactly two weeks later and according to my ironclad journal I expressly celebrate the 21st being Bradley’s first show. Maybe we were just practicing making fliers because Alan’s parents had a xerox machine and I would snag reams of colored recycled paper from the Tower Records dumpster.

- October 21, 1992
- First show with Bradley
- White Trash Debutantes, Apple Core, Your Mother
- Your Place Too, Oakland, CA
- A bunch of high school kids playing a bar on a weeknight was cool enough, but we were also handed an issue of MRR that night containing a review of our demo. “Heirs to Stikky’s throne?” it said. WOW…we weren’t aiming nearly that high. Bonus points that it was written by David Hayes. Pretty much the best night Your Mother would have for years.
- Summer, 1992
- Your Mother, Wynona Ryders
- Barney’s backyard, Livermore, CA
- In the summer between Shawn (our original drummer) disappearing and Bradley appearing we played Livermore’s White Zombie Fan Club HQ as a 3-piece. Jared on guitar and vocals, Alan on bass, and Craig on drums. [It should be noted that both Shawn and Bradley lived on Camino Brazos in Pleasanton (home, of course, to the Camino Brazos Art Scene).] It would be a couple more years before we’d understand what Wynona Ryders must have been thinking when they up and saw a legit stage with lights and PA in an enormous backyard, but only us, and some White Zombie fans to enjoy it.

- May 17, 1992
- Hermans Throo-Osmosis, Alternative Sections, Your Mother
- Band Room at Livermore High School, Livermore, CA
- Two Pleasanton bands playing at Livermore High could have easily been a setup for a turf war, that is until you realized that all the bands combined still wouldn’t equal the muscle mass of one high school athlete.

- October 19, 1991
- Les Thugs, Jonestown, SamiAm, Your Mother
- 924 Gilman St, Berkeley, CA
- Though we had been going to Gilman for years it never occurred to us that we could just ask someone if we could play there. But then one day Jared and I just walked up to the guy watching the side door (I think it was Mike Stand) and asked if we could play. He went into the office and 5 minutes later asked if we wanted to open up next weekend for SAMIAM (one of our favorite bands) and an Alternative Tentacles band from France. It was that easy. So easy, in fact, that all parties involved had time to make their own flier for the show.

- June 6, 1991
- Electric Eyes, Silly Rabbits, Your Mother
- The Stone, San Francisco, CA
- We played AND got paid. But then they tried to sell us a VHS of the performance for $80. As I recall we just walked out with the tape. I would now pay $80 to have it removed from public consciousness.

- Sometime Fall of 1991
- Your Mother
- Livermore High School, Livermore, CA
- I think Alan thought he might be more popular if his band played on his high school quad in front of his peers, perhaps forgetting that his band was Your Mother.
- March 30, 1991
- Rocks In Pink Cement, Grown Men Naked, Your Mother
- Noel Soucy’s living room, Pleasanton, CA
- Alan’s first show with Your Mother, and Noel’s first and last show in her parent’s living room.