Gladiator Pose
people go to shows to see the bands, not fight, but there are often a
handful that feel the dance floor is an open forum for violence, transforming
the pit into a melee, while those who object look on passively are too
intimidated to intervene or speak out. This isn't the way it should be,
if the majority of the scene objects to violence at shows, as a unified
body they should make it clearly understood that violent behavior will
not be permitted or tolerated at shows. Violence at shows prohibits a
sense ofcommunity,
ruins the fun and threatens venues with closure. Take a stand.
Standing triumphant
above the body prone
gloating victor
assumes gladiator pose
the crowd mill
about with mouths aghast
as a comrade's
beaten by a brute that laughs
his sole purpose
at shows seems to be to throw down
his selfish
violent actions destroy the underground
we're not impressed
at all by your brawn and your might
in fact to the
contrary we think you're not bright
the time is
long past to end violence at shows
so if you came
here to fight, we'll show you the door
The Tribe I Claim
Tribe I Claim" is about how people try to embrace a singular culture
or identity, like how so many punks are having this Irish roots resurgence
or whatever. Though there is nothing inherently wrong with this, I can
never identify with one set, so the song is about how the culture that
I identify most with is sub-culture or drop out culture. People who reject
cultures that have been imposed on them. Gay people who reject the gay
community's attempts to be accepted as main stream, African American kids
that prefer listening to deathmetal, sex workers, transgenders, artists
that push the envelope with their work, basically I feel more affinity
for the misfits and odd balls the seemingly contradictory and unusual
people of the world, they are the people I feel more of a connection with
than people who buy into the blueprint of societal norms. People who have
chosen to live their lives by their own rules. People who have acceptance
and understanding of who they are and what they want out of life, even
it means the path won't be easy. Though there are analogies to rats and
roaches in the lyrics, I do not associate these communities with vermin,
though mainstream society might view these communities in exactly that
light. The analogy is more to the ability to survive under the most adverse
Nomads and wanderers
pirates and
sex workers
living life
by their own rules
autonomous and
inherent to our clan
you'll find
our people spread through
each and every
punks and artisans
deviants and
like rats within
the walls
roaches beneath
the floors
an underground
community that multiplies and grows.
Ahora Mas Que Nunca
In the past few years I've been experiencing a total revitalization
in the punk/hardcore scene; the energy of the bands and people and their
creativity continually charge and inspire me. I haven't felt this excited
about the scene since I was first introduced to it. This song is in Spanish
and is about this enthusiasm I feel. It's dedicated to our good friend
Tommy Delmar from Argentina who shares the sentiment and
helped write/translate the lyrics.
Han pasado quince
anos y no renunciado
algunos piensan
que es infintil
(yo) creo es
quizas soy naife
creo podemos
cambiar yen
quience anos
anos espeior
estar aqui
Ahora mas que
(now more than
significa tanto
para me come en mi juventud
Conditioned Consumption
Almost everyday we hear about how some processed, refined, pesticide-ridden
or over-cooked food has been found to be carcinogenic. Yet people will
rarely look at or question their own diet, what they eat and how it's
prepared. Despite our lengthy time on earth it has been a relatively short
time in the scheme of things that humankind has harnessed fire and used
it for cooking, as well as begun to refrigerate, irradiate, and store
our food in plastic and glass containers
and packaging. We consume a diet of garbage and then pay the price for
it. Eat lesser, eat better, eat rawer, eat organic.
conditioned consumption
without question
so far removed from nature's laws
it seems we've lost direction
we indulge ourselves with poisons
desecrate ourselves with toxins
and laugh in the face of death for the sake of convenience
we reject the essentials just consume what we like
refined processed contaminants which we've been fed all our lives
excessive packaging waste prepackaged for land fill
we pollute our bodies we destroy the earth
contamination of a sacred temple
we defile ourselves and we wonder why
we are they way we are the way we are
crash course for self destruction
we remove all traces of nutrients that protect us from disease
Who Are You Playing
fact of the matter is that if you play an age-limit show, you're letting
the alcohol industry discriminate against people that are too young to
purchase their product. I don't want to exclude anyone from the opportunity
of enjoying our music. How can you be playing for the kids if the kids
can't see you play?
music should be enjoyed
by everyone
regardless of
their age
when you play
an age limit show
you let the
liquor industry
determines who
who are you
playing for...
Or are you being
We want everyone
in the pit
when we go to
a show
laughing dancing
young and old
One And All
I spend a good deal of my time being busy. A good portion of the
rest of the time I spend being lazy. Followed by a period of guilt, for
having slept those extra hours, read a few more chapters of a book, or
watched a stupid movie when I could have been writing letters to all my
out of town and overseas friends on a more regular and consistent basis.
But the truth of the matter is, I still spend a lot of time thinking about
my friends and the places I've been, and telling other friends about the
amazing people and places I've been lucky enough to meet and see. These
friendships, experiences and memories are some of my biggest treasures
and I can't wait to both renew old ones and create
new ones in the future. Nothing can erase the good times.
I may not write
I may not call
but you're in
my heart
one and all
so many places
so many faces
so many lasting
One and All
Together Standing
One and All
United we won't
and if I wrote
a postcard
it'd day "I
wish I was there"