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"Thrash Revenge On Skull Island" comp ep Released by Wajlemac in March 2007.
WOW...this comp has Sacrelige BC, Abigail (from Japan), Violent Coercion (pre-Neurosis), WHN? and Conquest For Death (WHN? with Kiku from CHARM playing drums). I'm sure these are already long gone but try emailing Wajlemac to see if they have more.

WHN? "No Cash?...No Thrash!" ep Released in June 2003. You're going to fucking die over this record. Get it from Ebullition or else get fucking stabbed in the fucking neck by the fucking Dudestabbers.


WHN? "Euro Trash" ep Released and distro'ed by Flower Violence in May 2003. In Europe "thrash" is pronounced "trash." Get it? Six new songs to accompany us on our trip to Europe.
Warning: This Record Contains No Guitar Solos.

Dark Thoughts - A Tribute to C.O.C. ep Released by Rabid Dog Records in April 2003. Featuring Municipal Waste, Holier Than Thou, Caustic Christ, and WHN? The cover was done by Michael Dukowski too! $4US/$6can+mex/$8 world to: Clay Newell - 6208 McCuller - Haltom City TX - 76117 USA
Death To Hardcore, Death To Reagan LP comp Released by Moshtashe Records in January 2003. All Reagan-related covers from the likes of MDC, Crucial Unit, MCD-182, Total Fury, WHN? and 15 more. I'll be willing to bet that if you send Alex a picture of you with a mustache he'll probably give you a discount.

WHN? "El Segundo Ano E Alguna Outra Caca" CD Released by Laja Records in Brazil in March 2002. Translates into The Second Year And Some Other Crap. To coincide with our Brasillian tour. Contains our songs from the LIFES HALT split and all the stuff from the Second Year CD. No CD-ROM, no unreleased songs, no reason for you to have this unless you're from Brazil.

"Start Something" LIFES HALT / WHN? split LP/CD Released by Youngblood and 625 in June 2001. Rad stuff from both of us. Seriously, I am so stoked at how this came out (and that it finally came out!). The LH songs blew me away, but they got even better after hearing them 40 times in 38 days. No joke.

WHN? "The Second Year" CD Released by 625 in June 2001. This is from the back of the CD: all these songs are already released on vinyl, except no. 15 which has different words, but the same music as the song on the "Standfast..." LP. It's only 9 seconds long anyway, so if you have the EPs, save your cash and buy a book instead. True dat. The EPs on this are Brutiful Fearing, Ahora Mas Que Nunca, and the Standfast 2000 EP. Has another CD-ROM on it.

SK8 or Die 7in comp Released by Pigpen Inc in March 2001. Rad stuff from Life's Halt, Fistfull, No Reply, Dirty Dirt & the Dirts, and WHN?

WxHxN? "First Year" cassette Released by Impeachment and SelfMadeGod Records (both out of Poland) and 625 in February 2001. This is a legitimate version of the FirstYear cassette. I got a few, if you're interested.

OvertHHHrow / WHN? split CD/CD-ROM Released by Soulforce Records in November 2000. OvertHHHrow are Spain's HHH's side project. "Crossover" - that covers it. Great stuff. Ours is not-as-great - a live set recorded on Smurph's radio show on KZSU, then mastered poorly. Really, do NOT get this because of us, get it because of Overthhhrow. 100 were made with posters and bandana-style skull-caps, but we got 4 (one for each of us) (I would only trade mine for the original Weird Al single "Another One Rides The Bus").

Short, Fast + Loud Vol I comp CD Released by Slap-A-Ham in Winter 2000. Whew! 40 bands, 40 songs, 13 countries, and about 100 pictures by Karoline. (Not a new song by us, but new stuff from a bunch of other bands - I mean a BUNCH.) Available just about anywhere you can find hardcore/underground music (except here).

WHN? "Ahora Mas Que Nunca" 7in Released by Lengua Armada in October 2000. Martin spent months making a small few with flannel covers and red marble vynil. I don't have any of those, but I do have ones with a pop-up. (p.s. though we are by-and-large "clean" dudes, we are not a "straight-edge" band.)
Memories of Tomorrow comp LP/CD Released by Youngblood in Fall 2000. Man, what a great comp! Life's Halt, No Justice, DIrty Dirt & the Dirts, Varsity and 12 others. New song from us. Ask these guys about this and similar rekkids:

WHN? "Standfast 2000" 7in Released by 625 in August 2000. A compendium to the full-length featuring 4 new songs, one of which is a Deathside cover.

WHN? "Standfast Armageddon Justice Fighter" CD/LP Released by Sound Pollution in August 2000. Full-length, 20 songs, loads of lyrics, loads of explanations, loads of pictures. The LP is big and has a poster. The CD has a CD-ROM.

WHN? "Brutiful Fearing" 6-song 6inch on 6 Weeks Records. Comes with a 6x12in poster. Released January 2000.
IF YOU DID NOT GET AN INSERT write these folks: SIX WEEKS or just send a stamp to their address on the record. SORRY!!!!

WHN? "Old Stuff From The Old School" cassette Released December 1999. This was given to Eddie from AWARENESS IS A CRIME RECORDS in Malaysia so he could distribute it the old fashioned way - cheap dubbed cassettes passed among friends. If you see some of these in the U.S. it is likely a bootleg. This was intended to be distributed throughout Asia and Eastern Europe (and other places where neither records, nor the means to get them, are very accessible), but it seems some are being made in the U.S. If you see one and it is not endorsed by AWARENESS IS A CRIME, swipe it. Do not pay for it. Just take it and say 'thank you for distributing this like it was supposed to be distributed.' Oh, this is the "First Year" CD, only it's on cassette.

WHN? "The First Year" CD Released January 2000 by Bridge (Sweden),Sounds Fast (Brasil), Vacation House (Italy), Boisleve (France), and 625 (West Bay, mofo!) BUT right now it's been re-released on New Disorder. Contains the first 7in, the "Hollow Victory" 10 inch, some comp tracks, a live show, and a 12-page booklet. New Disorder has more left if you want one.

Bandana Thrash Vol. 1 from 625 Productions.  7inch flexi comp with Flash Gordon, Lie, Crucial Section (all from Japan) and What Happens Next?  Released August 1999.

WHN? "Hollow Victory" 10in  Released by Floyd's NOT A PROBLEM RECORDS (which should have been called IT'S WARM RECORDS or SORRY THIS IS TAKING SO LONG RECORDS) in April 1999. It is arguably larger than our 7inch.  Some say by a whole 3 inches. Comes with a large fold-out insert.

WHN? 8-song 7inchReleased by us in December 1998. Ask Lil' Joey Deputy about this record.


People Under No King #7. Susan has been part of the Bay Area scene for a long-ass time. She takes tons of pictures and then puts them in a zine. In this issue she also interviewed us. Send $4 to: PUNK * 456 Castro St * SF CA * 94114 USA

This guy from the Czech Republic made WHN? skateboard decks - I mean 'skateboad' decks. His family also owns a bar that shows Motorhead and Iron Maiden videos at 10am.



Bad Skulls may have shirts left. Go to their site and follow the "Instructions."


For 625 stuff - go to